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Known as Hodunic Magic, this is a greatly powerful magic without being a powerful magic. It is contradictory to itself. To explain we will go to its origins. Brown Magic came to be, shortly after Orange washed over the cosmos. No one is certain where it came from but it is speculated that it is a by product of Pink, Orange and Purple. These three magics coexisting in the multi-verse started a chain reaction of the different types of energy that they each put off and thus Brown was born. Others believe that it is the magic that was placed in the center of the Soul-mere to power the Metophic Energy to continue its creation. Still others believe that it is the true power of the Super Suprema as it has the ability to negate many different magics, or augment them far beyond their normal station.
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Brown Magic is not like most magics in that it doesn’t use projectile shots to deal damage, it doesn’t use totems to ensure that it is powerful enough to ward off enemies (Though it can do both of these things when used in these ways). Brown is used to seal things, protect things, manipulate things and defend things. It is a purely defensive magic that can be used to augment any weapon. It can be used in conjunction with virtually any other magic in any of its spells and as such, someone using Brown Magic can use any color (Other than Gold or Pink) to cast a Brown spell. The traps that are set with Brown are not magical in nature once they are set and therefore can’t be seen using magical sites. (Though they are traps at that point and someone with a high trap detection will ferret them out.)
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When used properly, Brown Magic defends its user from virtually any attack. It can be used to place a barrier on the user in such a way as to avoid most physical, energy and magical attacks. This barrier can be erected at any point that the user chooses and will draw from their manna. The barrier will only draw from the manna 1 pts. per round until it is hit. Once hit, it will draw twice the damage of the attack from the user’s manna pool. This is fine if the user has a great deal of manna, but if not, the user may well defeat themselves due to the cost. (If a person runs out of manna but still has a manna cost on them, the next points to be taken are the Will points of the player. After that it is the Life points of the player. Be careful how you use these).
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Most Hodunic users (which is a form of Brown Magic in it’s purest form) can manipulate virtually anything around them to make a trap, seal a door so that none can get through save those with the same magic or using something more powerful than that magic, enchant a weapon from up to a mile away with whichever spell the caster currently is holding. Brown Magic can be very powerful in the right hands, but can also be very costly if used incorrectly. Ever time that a user casts a spell of Brown Magic using manna other than Brown Magic, the spell is cast, but the manna cost doubles with each use. Thus is a caster uses a simple spell that costs 3 manna on a given spell, then chooses to use another spell also with manna other than brown, then the second cast will be double whatever the casting cost would have been. If it were 5 then it is 10.
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Brown Magic is not sentient like many of the other magics, but it does have something going for it in that the Hodunic magic seems to “know” what the users is wanting to do after the user works with the magic for a given amount of time. Think of it like muscle memory. Thus, every time that a caster uses a spell (has to be the same spell), Brown begins to learn it. Over time, the spell will cast before the caster is even finished with the spell itself. Thus those that are using Brown can become as fast as a Mage in attacks while firing like a Sorcerer. (See Sorcerer and Mage).
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Most notable for its Brownish tent, when this magic comes in contact with anything growing, much like Green Magic, it will actually help the plant, creature, etc. to grow and bloom. (See Green Magic) The issue with this is that those that use Brown Magic for long periods of time tend to age at an accelerated rate. Due to this fact, most mortals tend to steer clear of Brown Magic for the most part. Some, though, that are long lived like the Rattle and the Drykonian’s will use this magic without fail.
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When using Brown magic, be certain that you keep your concentration going at all times as Brown Magic tends to alter itself for whatever you are thinking rather than just the spell that you are casting. When imbued (pulling magic into yourself completely to ensure that your magics are at their highest) ensure that you are focused completely on the task at hand, or strange things may occur.