Black Magic

Black Magic

Shortly after the events of the Grey Magic emerging, (See Grey Magic), a large amount of Grey Magic was mixed with a large amount of White Magic and a pinch of Gold in the hopes of creating a single spell. What was created started an entirely knew religious cult and a great deal of suffering. Black Magic was created by two Suprema and a mortal that were trying to create a powerful enough spell to overcome the First. This was all spurred on by The Twisted Sister (See Grey Magic) who wanted to find a way to overcome her brother. This was a colossal failure in many ways, and a huge success in others.  Both Suprema and the mortal were all merged due to the spell and all of the power from all three as well as that of the magic that was involved. when the dust settled, which took three years, the result was a pool of magic that was potent and powerful and very dangerous. This magic was called Black Magic.

Black Magic is the polar opposite of White Magic. Though very powerful, it is nothing compared to pure Grey, but it has its own talents that keeps it in the same league as some of the more powerful magics. Using Black has a similar effect on the alignment as Grey Magic would, but much slower and not absolute. A user of Black Magic can get along in society without being found out for a hundred years before the Black Magic would begin to show. Due to this, many of its users are practitioners in secret rather than openly as the magic is shunned by most societies.

Black Magic can “resurrect” beings, but only to a zombie state. (Most would call this Necromancy, which is Black Magic at it’s worst, but that is not the main use of Black Magic, just a subset that has the most followers). These zombies have their original memories but only to a degree, a very narrow degree. They remember that they are hungry and they know that the only way to keep themselves from starving is to feed. Anything moving is their food. It’s that simple. If sat down and asked questions, some of them would be able to answer in the most basic of ways, but anything that was truly analytical would escape them. Unlike Grey, the person has to be completely dead before Black Magic can take hold of their bodies and turn them into a zombie or the like.

Though known for Necromancy, Black Magic was originally brought about to destroy White Magic and does a very good job when in the right hands. A master of Black Magic and actually shatter white spells directly  before they are cast or after an enchantment has been placed. It can also twist these spells to ensure that the spell continues to do what it was supposed to, but with an  extra cost or ability thrown in. Such as, this bracelet was enchanted to heal the wearer every 1 action of game time for 4 pts. of damage. A Black Magic user turns the bracelet with her magic and makes the bracelet continue to do its affect but reduces their stamina by 4 pts. as well, making it so that they can’t easily get out of a situation.

Black Magic, not sentient like other magics, is used by virtually anyone that has a vendetta and works best when used with anger and hate. Most of the spells are used to ensure that someone can’t do something rather than actual attacks, but Black Magic is also very good in the field of attack as it can be fired as a beam or flame of pure magic at the victim and the projectile will hold solid until it hits. When it hits, it will explode outward and deal damage to all in its path. This is the only magic that can do this without a spell. A player using Black Magic need only announce this as their attack and then roll for the attack. (If in the card game, simply announce and then fatigue your card). Due to this many are very careful when dealing with anyone that uses Black Magic.

Black Magic can also be used through totems and other items like Grey, but it is significantly weaker and faster than Grey and as such these are not used as often.

When using Black, be aware that most people will shun you within any societies. Keep your magic hidden until you simply have to use it. Also, be aware that for every cost of spells, there is probably a hidden cost as well. Never take anything for granted with black. Lastly, realize that Black Magic uses curses for many of its spells. Curses can’t be lifted easily and as such should be handled with extreme care. (Grey Magic can use Curses as well, but with it a curse has habits of sticking to both victim and attacker so it is not often used.)