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After the “key” opened and turned on the machine (See Orange Magic), the cosmos spit out Orange Magic, which is extremely powerful and diverse. During the time before this nothing quite like it ever existed as this magic can renew itself from the energy put off from anything. Due to this, certain alterations began to happen when this magic mixed with other magic. Nothing that was note worthy, save for one particular side effect that caused everyone to pause.
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Deep in the Abyss, there are wholes that lead to a place only the Suprema know of. Whatever this place might be, it isn’t something that most any being would want to go. Orange Magic, however, wasn’t a conscious being and as it seeped into the Abyss, it began to do the same down into these holes. At first nothing happened, like most everything else that went in, the magic would simple disappear down the whole and not come back out. Then, after one hundred years, the magic began to come back out of these holes with great force. They shot up like geysers, spewing a new magic, Grey Magic, all over the Abyss.
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The magics emergence did nothing to those that lived within the Abyss, as they are all immortals. However, when the magic came in direct contact with mortals outside of the Abyss, something strange began to happen. The mortals that were directly contact by the magic began to act erratically and fight one another. They began to war, where there were no wars before. The First had seen to it that the new creations were kept apart from one another and thus war was not needed. Now, however, wars began over the smallest things with everyone choosing a side. After a time, this became a problem as many of the newly created realms were at war for the smallest of reasons.
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To fight this, the First brought as much of the Grey Magic together as possible and pushed it into another realm to keep it from coming in contact directly with humans. During this time, the magic came directly in contact with the First and something happened. The First “split” and there was now a female version of himself directly beside him. He quickly pushed her and the magic into the other realm and thought he had closed it off forever. Now the magic can get here through items and summons, but not directly affect this realm. At least that was the hope. What actually happened, however, was that the Grey Magic found small pin pricks through reality and began pushing its way through those areas and into mortals that either asked for it or were unlucky enough to get too close.
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Any Grey Magic user is easily identified as their eyes will turn to a deep grey or black after prolonged use of the magic. They will have very short fuses and will covet nothing. It is said that Grey Magic wants nothing but destruction and wants to be able to twist all of reality into something it was not intended to be. The girl version of the First, twisted and mangled in spirit, but beautiful in appearance, tries everything she can to affect the creations of the First and twist this reality, or any that she can get in contact with. Somehow, the magic is tied directly to her now and as such is sentient with her. She controls it to a degree, though what degree is unknown.
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Grey Magic is a very powerful magic, similar to Orange in the respect of over all power. It is devastating when used properly, and can resurrect the dead, but the soul-mere that was in the fallen will be replaced with a demon of her making. Due to this, any creature brought back (or being) with Grey Magic will have the memories of their fallen bodies, but will be darker and much more aggressive. Also, religious icons will deal them damage that they would not have in the past. (These must be religious icons from a true God, Mald, Supre Mald or Suprema. False idols will not work.)
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Using Grey Magic is like holding death in your hands directly and then overcoming it with every attack. This magic is a very aggressive magic that will twist any other magic it comes in contact with to something darker if it gets the upper hand. When used like a shield, if another color (Other than Orange, Purple, Gold or White) comes into contact with the shield, the other color is altered and the intended effect will either be negated or changed completely, depending on the spells. Brown magic, is the only magic that this will not work on in the slightest and that Grey can not manipulate and can not control in the slightest. Brown Magic will actually negate Grey Magic directly if they come in contact with one another, but only if they meet when they are both still fluid. (See Brown Magic, See Immediates).
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Use Grey with great caution as it will twist its user to its will with every cast of magic. Should a user decide that they will “Master” Grey Magic, they had better be immortal or one of the most powerful beings among the mortals. Grey Magic, with every use, drops the alignment of the user a sliver, regardless of how the magic is used. Even trying to use it to heal someone will see the magic drop the alignment of the user. Once a user’s alignment is dropped to Demonic Evil, the magic will take over the mind of the user and they will begin to do things without their own knowledge. Most Witches/Warlocks and the like that use this magic will sell their soul-mere to obtain it in its purest form. In doing this, they negate the magic’s ability to overtake them regardless of their alignment, but their soul-mere will belong to the Twisted Sister, as she is called, and she has a habit of devouring souls until there is nothing left of them.
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Note: To anyone thinking of fighting Grey Magic, be aware that totems, medallions, potions and the like are all used readily with this magic and as such something that look innocuous can be very deadly. Most users of this magic will use these items because the casting costs and time to cast the spells are extremely long. Sometimes taking nine rounds before the spell comes into play, but when they hit the field, the spells are devastating. You have been warned.