Fighting Styles

Fighting Styles

Fighting styles are used to defend against all of the other abilities that are cropped up across the lands. These styles use the force of Daai, a form of soulmere that allows the users to manipulate their soulmere into an attack or a defense depending on what elements they are trying to defend against.

Each of these styles have evolved into other styles over time and every player can choose their own style, but all styles originated from these six. Even Ratillian Bone Fighting, which is considered the oldest of all fighting styles, originated from Kultarian Zune Fighting.

All Ranks will have one of these forms, or a variation of one of these forms to use. A player may choose, instead, to learn the form directly instead of learning it through the Ranks. If this is done, it will cost much more than through the ranks, but their level of control will be much higher, and they will be deadlier with the skill.