The Divinator, or Diviner as most call them, is much like the Precog. (See Precognition). They can see traps, tell futures, etc. The difference being that they are using their abilities with the help of an outside source (usually a Demon-God, Wroth-Mald, or the like. Rarely do true Gods, Malds, Supre Malds that are not of darker intent dabble with Diviners.) Due to this outside source, the Diviner can see things that the Precog could not see. The first thing they get when signing a deal with their higher being is the “Eyes of the Diviner”. These eyes, which now replace their normal eyes, can see all the spectrums of light and can see the spiritual realms as well. Many that gain this sight go mad within a year of being granted it.
The Diviner can see more than the regular Precog, but often the choices that the Diviner sees are those that their higher beings wishes. If a person is possibly going to die due to choices that they might make, the higher being may want them to die due to their choices and not want them to move out of the destruction due to the Diviner’s sight. If this happens, the Diviner will see perfectly what is to come and what they see will steer the person into the destruction that the higher being was wanting. (For example, if a person decides not to take a trip and this will keep them from being murdered, the higher being will show the Diviner that the person is taking a long trip and gaining a great deal of money on the trip. Due to this, the person take the trip, even though they didn’t originally want to, and they meet their end. Just as the higher being had wanted. Thus Diviner’s are not always trusted, but many believe them to a fault.)
Most Diviners will pass themselves off as Precogs so that others don’t know what they truly are. This allows them anonymity if something goes wrong because they can say, “Well, I couldn’t see the future that clearly. Sorry for your loss.”. If it were known that they were a Diviner, then the fault may well fall on them. So they often masquerade as anything that they are not.
The Diviner is very powerful at seeing future events, even if no all of them are the truth, but not so powerful in other things. The Diviner does not usually use anything but common weapons because they often don’t know when hey will go into a trance. If you are in the middle of walking with your weapon out and it is blunted, then a trance starts and you fall over onto the weapon, you are going to have minor injuries. Do that same scenario with a long sword, or a scimitar, and you are likely to deal damage that is unrecoverable, or at least will leave major scars.
Due to their agreement with the higher being, many will have to pay homage to the higher beings in one way or another. Most of the time, this is in the form of their own Metophic energy on a daily basis. Thus their manna is taken from them, or their will, or whatever the higher being decides they want. (Each being will have their own form of payment). Due to this, the Diviner starts with a handicap that keeps them from being very powerful at the beginning of the game. Those handicaps can be overcome and due to the other abilities of the Diviner, it makes them one of the most powerful players in the game.
The Diviner can use their abilities to see futures on a single person, or multiple at the same time. Making it so that hitting one of them is extremely hard, for up to 10 opponents. Also, due to the sight of the Diviner, stealth attacks and dark abilities will not work on a Diviner. They can’t be the target of spells, abilities, or talents. They can target anyone on the field with any weapon that they are using, or with any ability that they are using. Most of their abilities are area effects so, when thrown, the ability will be used in the area of the target, rather than that of the Diviner.
If a Diviner touches another being, they can see the future of that being, no matter how long they have been a part from that moment forward. Most people will not allow a Diviner within ten feet of them, if they know it is a Diviner, due to this fact. If they are looking for someone that they have not touched in fifty years, it is not a problem, because they once touched them and thus they can see their present, past and future as if they were living it themselves.
Most Diviners don’t live beyond the age of thirty and are often very week due to their constant outflow of Metophic energy to their higher being. Those that do live even to twenty years, are often old beyond their years and haggard, but very powerful. Most will try and learn Blue Magic to augment their lives, but this rarely works as Blue Magic will stunt their abilities as a Diviner, or thwart them completely. (It is still something that many of them are striving for, usually in the last years of their lives.)
Diviners can easily see their own futures, but only the day leading to the events of their own deaths. The issue is, that they are seeing the choices that made them get to that point but every choice they choose to make to avoid it will lead them to a much more horrible death. Such is the curse of the Diviner.