

Picture of the Race

Summary of Race

Known as the “cockroach” of the entire Probe, the humans are the hardest and easiest of all races in the game. The hardest because they start off with very little in the way of advantages. Most humans are so easily defeated that other races simply look on them as nothing more than punching bags. However, those that have made it to the top tiers in their abilities have proven that humans can be one of the most, if not most powerful of all races on the probe. Their ability to adapt to virtually any climate, any circumstance and any situation has become legendary. Situations where the entirety of a city should have been destroyed and all occupants within, have turned out that many, much more than any could have believed, were able to get out before, during and after the assault. 

Though this is the case, most races still look down on humans and will not hire them alone for certain types of jobs. Much of the human history has been the humans fighting for their ability to simply exist. At this point in time, however, they have many strong holds through out the probe and are very powerful due to their ability to create technologies, make magic, use all types of mental and energy abilities to defend those cities. Their strong holds are many, but only three major cities stand out. One is Cross Roads, where humans make up a very substantial portion of the populace. The second is Dwangó, which is a place where many of the other races are sent to train their children that are “unable” to stay within their own societies. Dwangó is the main hub for amazing abilities and powers and is said to be the home of the famous Bugsby Hall, which has trained nearly all of the current royalty on Shenor, Colemanian and Rikinia. But this is a rumor and hasn’t been proven.

The third city is Dovanothia on the Isle of Bedlam. This society is unknown to most of the probe due to the fact that they keep others off their island by some mechanical means. It is said that there is some sort of monster that patrols the island and destroys any non-human ships that come into the vasinity.

Ranks Most Common

Due to their Cross Training, the Human can be any Rank of choice.

Racial Traits

Adaption: All Humans can adapt to virtually any situation, unlike other races that often will not be able to adapt when things change. Due to this, all save rolls get a +1.

Mutation: All Humans the ability to mutate with little effort. Due to their genetics the human absorbs mutations quickly and easily, giving them the ability to take on multiple, mutations at once. Due to this, the natural boundaries of mutations do not effect humans. They can have as many mutations as they have points to be given, where as most races can have only one to three, humans can have thousands if they can withstand them.

Malunation: Humans have the ability to cross train all their abilities, allowing them to place magic and energy together. Energy and mental together. Mental and Magic together. Thus becoming much more powerful than most races. (Most races can only gain the abilities of magic, energy, mental, etc. until they have mastered them and then try to learn a new ability. Thus taking years if not decades to begin to mix them. Humans can do this at the beginning of the game.)

Racial Disadvantages

Poison Bane
Venom Bane
Energy Bane

Racial Advantages

Cross Training

Physical Description


Heights: 6’2″           Weight: 225lbs.

Skin Color: Black, White, Tan, Reddish

Eye Color : Blue, Red, Green, Hazel

Hair Color : Black, Red, Brunette, Blonde

Physical Description


Heights: 5’10”           Weight: 110lbs.

Skin Color: Black, White, Tan, Reddish

Eye Color : Blue, Red, Green, Hazel

Hair Color : Black, Red, Brunette, Blonde

Social Structure

The Humans have three Kings, one for each city. The tribes that live outside of these three cities will rule themselves with only minimum rules from the three kings. However, when humans go to war, the entirety of the human race will come together to fight whatever war is needed. There are small skirmishes here and there, but most of those are between other humans. When another race piles on against the human race, they will come together to fight them.

Those that are outside of these kings are known as Barbarians. They live in great tribes that sometimes rival the kings they are supposed to be serving under. These humans are “uncivilized” and usually very brutal. They use Champions, much like the kings will, that will protect their tribes, but their champions are often fewer in number, but much more powerful in the end.


Humans have the ability to find, create, manipulate and alter all types of technology. They are the second most technologically inclined races on the probe and possibly the most adaptable to technology. The human race can learn any technology given time to master it.


There is one Church, known as Oranion the Powerhouse. Oranion is supposed to be a Supre Mald of vast powers and extreme ability to overcome virtually anything that comes his way. He is also the Supre Mald of Mutation, granting all of his followers similar abilities. It is not known if Oranion exists or if he was simply created and worshiped, but it is known that something has given humans such an ability to mutate and adapt that they are scary in their own right.

Oranion is one of the more powerful Supre Malds, according to legend, and is very careful of whom he allows in. To gain access to his abilities and blessings one has to be in his service for at least five years and have to take a series of tests. Once he acknowledged the person, they are given his blessings and thus can now be nearly as adaptive as humans, if not equal. 

Oranion sits on great ceremony and thus humans are tied to many different types of ceremony that they do throughout their lives. From weddings, to serving once a week, etc.  Thus the entire society revolves around it. Everything that they do in public will have some sort of “ceremony” attached to it.

Base Persona

Humans can have anything on the spectrum from top to bottom without adjustment. Once rolled, the player will have to use that person and play the character as is until they can pump enough Training points into the Persona to move it or they have to play act into the motions to move it. (They get two throws for Persona and can keep either one.)

Interesting Racial Things

Due to their body make up, Blue Magic is extremely powerful with humans, as well is Hydro mental abilities. Humans, though easily harmed in comparison to other races, can actually recover better from damage than most races when being healed externally. Thus their bodies are a perfect vessel for Gods, Supre Mald and the like to take on as Avatar and Titans (See Avatar and Titans).