Creature Creation Sheets
Type of Creature Here
For All Attacks and Defense Rollups Use a 1d20.
Follow up with a 1d20 that can be used to boost any rolls that were less than desirable. Remember that you can drop one roll throughout the entire character sheet, but you may want to hold on to that until later.
The following levels are used to create a creature. These points must add up or the creature can not be completed. Adjust where needed.
Creature Size Chart
The Creature Size chart is a chart telling the overall power and adjustments of the creature you are creating. Either roll a 1d12, or decide the number of power for the creature. When decided, add the points to the below stats until they add up to (never beyond) those points. If you realize that you have to add more to make the creature what you are wanting, then move up a level on the Chart to ensure that everyone understands the overall power of the creature.
1. 60
2. 120
3. 250
4. 500
5. 1,000
6. 2,000
7. 3,800
1. 8 T.
2. 15 T.
3. 31 T.
4. 63 T.
5. 142 T.
6. 286 T.
7. 543 T.
8. 5,000
9. 8,000
10. 15,500
11. 35,700
12. 150,000
13. 175,000
14. 200,000
8. 833 T.
9. 1,333 T.
10. 3,100 T.
11. 7,140 T.
12. 37,500
13. 43,750
14. 50,000
15. 300,000
16. 425,000
17. 500,000
18. 600,000
19. 800,000
20. 1,000,000
15. 75,000
16. 106,000
17. 125,000
18. 150,000
19. 200,000
20. 333,333
Awarding Training
All participants will gain Training, but the final blow gains the participant 50% of the Training and the right to “First Dibs” on the loot. (Loot must be given out as a 1-1 ration, thus if there are five fighters and only 3 pieces of loot, the first three fighters [use luck after the player that killed the beast] gain 1 of the pieces of loot and the rest is just training.)
All remaining Training, after the first 50% is divided among the players evenly.
Place Attack of Character Here
Magic Attack
Magic Attack of Character Here
Mental Attack
Mental Attack of Character Here
Energy Attack
Energy Attack of Character Here
Place Defense of Character Here
Magic Defense
Magic Defense of Character Here
Mental Attack
Mental Attack of Character Here
Energy Attack
Energy Attack of Character Here
Movement and weight of Character
For movement, the creature has to buy its own abilities, or it has to pay from its total Training to be able to buy extra Movement or Response.
Movement Costs 20 pts. of Training per 1 Pt. of movment.
Response Costs 40 pts. of Training per 1 Pt. of Response.
Note: Everything rounds down in this section. There are no dice to roll for it.
Note 2: When it comes to the Awareness of a creature, or its ability to discern things, etc. the creature must have an ability granting them extra of the thing being used, or they are of base awareness, etc. for a creature. (See Creature Basics.)
Weight of Character
This will be (Attack + Defense)/200
Place Weight of Character Here.
Place Mobility of Character Here.
Place Response of Character Here.
Place Response of Character Here.
Abilities can get costly and since there is only one pool of Training for each creature, be careful when creating yours that you don’t grant them massive abilities that will ultimately kill them if they use them. Keep an eye on the life and ensure that you have enough for each thing that you are adding.
Place Response of Character Here.
Though these will harm the creature in one way or another, making them less able to defeat the opponents, it also grants them more Training to spend on the other stats to make them more capable at the same time.
Place Response of Character Here.