Dave Jones

Green Ghost

Dave Jones

This young man was once a wanderer. He loved the outdoors and the feel of adventure. He was an adept hunter and often explored the wilderness on his own. Yet he was deathly afraid of the paranormal. Dave often found strange places in the woods, but never truly explored them for fear of the supernatural. He tried to steer clear of any place he thought was haunted. 

That was until he met a strange man named Billy. These two were the most unlikely of companions. They were complete opposites and agreed on nothing and yet still became the best of friends. The two of them spent most of their time together and taught each other many things. 

The only thing the two actually had in common was their admiration and love for coffee. The two would talk for hours over a cup of joe.  Dave often ate cake right in front of Billy, who was allergic to it, and constantly was taking slices of cake from Billy, who would try to sneak a bite from any cake he saw.

Dave Jones is nothing but a big softy. He’s afraid of the dark and he hates any kind of vegetable. Sadly his death was caused by his admiration and love for coffee. No one but those who stumble across this scroll will know of his story. He was a tragedy befallen in the great halls of an unknown cathedral. He was led by the first to an untimely death.