The Unemotional Persona is often withdrawn, very quite and often stays in the corner of the room. This person usually comes off as numb. They are detached, but not in a bad way. They are not going to just go out and kill people. At the same time, though, they would not report crimes, would rarely care if someone is in trouble and would actually watch someone die without doing much more than watching and maybe pointing people to the person for help. They will never put themselves in harms way, no matter the reason.
Often this person is regularly depressed and has little or nothing good to say about life in general. They are the drag of any party and rarely will see the lighter side of anything. Ever the pessimist, they are also the one that most people would believe to give up the fastest. Though this is often the case, it is not always the case.
Many people are seen as in this category, but are really no where near it. This category is so withdrawn that they rarely even look at their own loved ones as people they need to defend or help when something has gone wrong.
Unemotional Personas are often loners and work in fields that keep them far from other people. Rarely will one of these people work in crowds or work with others directly if they can help it. If they do, the other person will see them as rude, inconsiderate and mean.