

Much like the Fair Persona, the Even-Handed Persona goes along to get along and are very indecisive. They are more so than that of the Fair Persona and will have no opinion on much of anything, while agreeing with virtually anyone in their opinions. This person is a chameleon when it comes to opinions and will share the opinion of the room. If there are five in a room that think one way and twelve that think another, you can bet money that the Even-Handed will sway to the twelve. That is, unless the head of the five is a much stronger leader than the head of the twelve. Then the Even-Handed will be sway able by argument. Otherwise, they will always follow the groups. (This is the persona that will make up most mobs and the reason for “mob mentality” in general. It is great to have a lot of these type of people in your army due to the fact that they will follow virtually anything that is given to them with little to no argument.)

It is scary how much this persona will allow to go on around them before actually reporting the issue. A Murder could happen right in front of this person and if there is a group of people around the Even-Handed persona that says the murder was justified, then the person will believe it as such and won’t come forward. If they sway the other way, then this person will come forward. This is the reason that Fake News is such an issue with all the newspapers in the various lands. Those that are of this persona, of which this is a very common persona, will be swayed, easily, by any news they read. (These are the sheep that everyone speaks of.)