
All players start the game with 3,000 Training outside of their character. It costs 1,000 training to create a character roll up. If a player has no training but wishes to roll up a character, they will go into debt to play and have to pay back the Deity with interest that they roll for payments. (See Roll Up Deities.) (Training earned in game by players will be attached to the character they are using. To take from them it will costs 2x the amount of usage. So if 100 is pulled from a character to build a new character, then it will be 200 that is drained.)

Roll-Up Links

For all the roll ups, open another tab and use the link below to get the dice you need.


Before Strating Roll the Startup.


Each Player Gets 1 Startup. If their Luck is 8 or over, they can have a second roll as well. Should someone want to have a second roll, they can pay 500 training for the second roll. Remember that all rolls are final. If a player gains an ability they do not like, they are stuck with it.

No player gets more than 3 rolls per character.

The most important part of every game is talent and luck! Roll Well.


Everyone is allowed a bonus roll for luck as a 1d20. (Adjusting Luck is 4 pts. per every 1.) [See race for Luck adjustments on roll up]

Luck is part of every roll used in the game and is used to add bonuses to every roll. When in game, luck determines encounters, saves, etc. Luck is one of the most vital portions of every character.

Male : (Roll / 2) + 1 + Bonus Roll/4)  or if >15 then  (Roll/20)+15) [+ 1  + (Bonus Roll/4)] Rounded Down.

Female: (Roll / 2) + 1 + Bonus Roll/4)  or if >15 then  (Roll/20)+15) [+ 1  + (Bonus Roll/4)] Rounded Down.

If a startup is given, see Character Bonuses to roll up any abilities that were rolled up.

When rolling for Start-Ups, only use chart 1 one time. Chart 2 is for all other rolls.

For All Attacks and Defense Rollups Use a 1d20.

All Players may drop one roll that they find less than pleasant. This can only be used once, so use it wisely.

Bonus Roll: Follow up with a 1d20 that can be used to boost any rolls that were less than desirable. Remember that you can drop one roll throughout the entire character sheet, but you may want to hold on to that until later.

Note: In every equation where it says “Bonus Roll” it means that the equation can have a portion or all of the bonus roll added into it. If it does not say Bonus Roll, then the player can not adjust the roll at all.

Note: No number is reduced to 0. 1 is replaced for any roll that is a fraction of 1. 

Bonus Roll: Follow up with a 1d20 that can be used to boost any rolls that were less than desirable. Remember that you can drop one roll throughout the entire character sheet, but you may want to hold on to that until later.


Male : Roll + 17 + (Luck/2)

Female: Roll + 12 (Luck/2)

Magic Attack

Male : Roll + 34 + (Luck/2)

Female: Roll + 38 (Luck/2)

Mental Attack

Male : Roll – 8 + (Luck/2)

Female: Roll – 12 + (Luck/2)

Energy Attack

Male : Roll + 7 + (Luck/2)

Female: Roll + 5 + (Luck/2)


Male : Roll + 10 + (Luck/2)

Female: Roll + 8 + (Luck/2)

Magic Defense

Male : Roll + 26 + (Luck/2)

Female: Roll + 24 + (Luck/2)

Mental Defense

Male : Roll – 12 + (Luck/2)

Female: Roll – 10 + (Luck/2)

Energy Defense

Male : Roll – 8 + (Luck/2)

Female: Roll – 9 + (Luck/2)

Don't Forget Your Bonus Roll!

Character Interactions Section Use 1d20

Bonus Roll: Follow up with a 1d20 that can be used to boost any rolls that were less than desirable. Remember that you can drop one roll throughout the entire character sheet, but you may want to hold on to that until later.

Awareness (Aware)

Male : Roll + 20 + (Luck/2)

Female: Roll + 18 + (Luck/2)


Male : Roll + 15 + (Luck/2)

Female: Roll + 14 + (Luck/2)


Male : Roll + 20 + (Luck/2)

Female: Roll + 20 + (Luck/2)

Diplomacy (Dipl.)

Male : Roll + 2 + (Luck/2)

Female: Roll + 0 + (Luck/2)

Leadership (Leader)

Male : Roll – 15 + (Luck/2)

Female: Roll – 20 + (Luck/2)

Don't Forget Your Bonus Roll!

Discerning and Encountering Use 1d20

Bonus Roll: Follow up with a 1d20 that can be used to boost any rolls that were less than desirable. Remember that you can drop one roll throughout the entire character sheet, but you may want to hold on to that until later.


Male : Roll – 10 + (Luck/2)

Female: Roll + 2 + (Luck/2)


Male : Roll + 10 + (Luck/2)

Female: Roll + 4 + (Luck/2)


Male : Roll + 10 + (Luck/2)

Female: Roll + 5 + (Luck/2)


Male : Roll + 5 + (Luck/2)

Female: Roll + 5 + (Luck/2)

Discern Lie (Disc. Lie)

Male : Roll + 10 + (Luck/2)

Female: Roll + 10 + (Luck/2)

Catch Spy

Male : Roll – 5 + (Luck/2)

Female: Roll – 8 + (Luck/2)

Detect Trap (Det. Trap)

Male : Roll – 10 + (Luck/2)

Female: Roll – 8 + (Luck/2)


Male : Roll + 30 + (Luck/2)

Female: Roll + 40 + (Luck/2)

Don't Forget Your Bonus Roll!

Major Trauma Rolls Use 1d20

Bonus Roll: Follow up with a 1d20 that can be used to boost any rolls that were less than desirable. Remember that you can drop one roll throughout the entire character sheet, but you may want to hold on to that until later.


If the race of the character has a specific Persona, then starting from  that, roll a 1d10, with 5 being the Persona that is set. Go up if it is greater than 5 and down if less than five.
(1. Azure Impatharic          11. Non-Viable
2. Impatharic                       12. Unbiased
3. Non-Pareil                        13. Impartial
4 Generous                           14. Unemotional
5. Sympathetic                     15. Callous
6. Kind                                   16. Sociopathic
7. Warm                                 17. Psychopathic
8. Fair                                     18. Afreetious
9. Even Handed                     19. Tolmion
10. Open Minded                  20. Terra Tolmion)

Base Persona for Race: Race Base.

Male : Roll – 3

Female : Roll – 1


Mutation Points. (Mut. Pts.)

Male : Roll + 10 + (Luck/2)

Female: Roll + 18 + (Luck/2)


(Adjusting Fear is 2 pts. per every 1.)

Male : Roll + 5 + (Luck/2)

Female: Roll – 10 + (Luck/2)


(Adjusting Shock is 2 pts. per every 1.)

Male : Roll + 10 (Luck/2) 

Female: Roll + 13 (Luck/2) 

Don't Forget Your Bonus Roll!

Vitality Rolls Use 1d20 x 1d20 for these rolls.

Bonus Roll: Follow up with a 1d30 that can be used to boost any rolls that were less than desirable. Remember that you can drop one roll throughout the entire character sheet, but you may want to hold on to that until later.

Will Pts. are 1d20 x 1d20 + Racial Adjustments + Bonus Roll

Will Pts.

Male : Roll X Roll + 10 (Luck/2)

Female: Roll X Roll + 30 + (Luck/2)

Life Pts. are 1d20 x 1d20 + Racial Adjustments + Bonus Roll

Life Pts.

Male : Roll X Roll + 8 + (Luck/2)

Female: Roll X Roll + 10 + (Luck/2)

Energy Pts. are 1d20 x 1d20 + Racial Adjustments + Bonus Roll

Energy Pts.

Male : Roll X Roll + 10 + (Luck/2)

Female: Roll X Roll + 10 + (Luck/2)

Magic Pts. are 1d20 x 1d20 + Racial Adjustments + Bonus Roll

Magic Pts.

Male : Roll X Roll + 10 + (Luck/2)

Female: Roll X Roll + 10 + (Luck/2)


(Adjusting Soulmere is 2 pts. per every 1.)

Soulmere is 1d20 x 1d20 + Racial Adjustments + (Bonus Roll/2)

Male : Roll X Roll + 10 + (Luck/2)

Female: Roll X Roll + 12 + (Luck/2)


Stamina is 1d20 + 1d20 + (Life Divided by 20) + Racial Adjustments + Bonus Roll.

Male : Roll + Roll + (Life / 20) + 17 (Luck/2)

Female: Roll + Roll + (Life / 20) + 19 (Luck/2)


Imbue is 1d20 + 1d20 + (Soulmere Divided by 20) + Racial Adjustments + Bonus Roll.

Male : Roll + Roll + (Soulmere / 20) + 9 + (Luck/2)

Female: Roll + Roll + (Soulmere / 20) + 3 +  (Luck/2)

To Roll Understanding, use a 1d20. Then add Will Divided by 200. This will give the overall Understanding of the character. Remember this will effect much of what the character can and can not do.

Understanding (Understand)

 (Adjusting Understanding is 2 pts. per every 1.)

Roll + (Will Pts. / 200) + X + Bonus Roll (Always round Down for this stat)

Male : Roll + (Will / 200) + 8 Luck

Female: Roll + (Will / 200) + 10 Luck

Don't Forget Your Bonus Roll!

Initiative Uses 1d20 Flat.

There are no follow ups on Initiative and no adjustments of any kind. Whatever is rolled on the first die will determine the initiative of the character.

Subtract .5 point for every point from Non-Viable of persona that your character is. So if the character is Generous, then remove 7pts. from Initiative (Round Up).

No initiative can be below 1 or above 25 pts. Anything above 20 pts, however, means that the player will fight at the drop of a hat, with little to no cause and little to no reason for it.

Anyone with 5 or below initiative will have to be drawn into a fight rather than out and out starting one. (The persona of the opponent, however, can change this rule in that if the two personas clash then the player will attack when appropriate.)(See Persona.)


Initiative is 1d20 Flat.

Male : Roll + (Luck/2)

Female: Roll (Luck/2)

Movement and weight of Character

This one will have to be finished after everything else is completed. You will need the luck of the character as well as a few other things to complete it.

Note: Everything rounds down in this section. There are no dice to roll for it.

Weight of Character

This is only at the startup and will not change throughout the game unless the character changes it through mutation, magic, etc. Altering one’s weight can also be done by choice, using training to make the character heavier or lighter. This will be at a cost of 1000 Training per pound.

Weight equation is (Racial Base Weight + Racial Weight Roll) Both will be below. After getting the answer, roll the die stated to the side of it. When rolled, if it is an even number then add the amount to the characters weight. If it is negative, subtract that from the weight.

Male: Racial Base Weight + Racial Weight Roll

Female: Racial Base Weight + Racial Weight Rool


Strength of the character will go up with every addition to attack and defense (physical). To alter the strength, however, a player must go to a Gaervol to have it updated. (The Gaervol can be a priest, a teacher, scholar, etc. that has been designated as a Gaervol. This NPC or Player, can adjust the stats of any player that comes to them for a price. The price can be payed in Training or Brik. If Training, then it is 1000 per upgrade. If Brik then it is 500 Brik per upgrade.) (Always round up on this stat).

Male: (Weight + Attack + Defense + (Luck/2)) * .25 + (Weight + Attack + Defense)

Female:  (Weight + Attack + Defense) * .25 + (Weight + Attack + Defense)


Add 1 plus any abilities that may add to this. Then Add Luck/100.(Abilities will be stated if there are any. If not, then there will not be anything there.)

(1 + 1 + Luck)/100(Round Down).


2 + Any abilities + Luck /100. (Always Round Down.)(Abilities will be stated if there are any. If not, then there will not be anything there.)

+ 1 + Luck/100 (Round Down)

Racial Abilities and Disabilities

These are already selected and can not be changed. If creating a race, see the race charts of Abilities and Disabilities. There are sections. When gaining an ability, the player must look at the same section within the Disabilities and choose one of them as well. This will keep them even. Races can have up to 5 Abilities as startups but will also gain the disabilities with them. Some races will have other abilities as well and disabilities.

If the word “Chart” is followed by X or 0, then there are no other abilities to be added, simply scroll down to see the abilities and disabilities. If there is a number in that spot, then the player will get that many rolls on the chart that will be added below for this race.

Abilities: Chart 0

Disabilities: Chart 0


These are the abilities of the character and are usually very helpful in their use. Don’t forget you have them as they may get you out of a tough situation.

Water Breathing
Poison 8
Multi Attack 8
Jump 4


These are the disabilities of the character and are a constant pain for the character to overcome. By overcoming these the character will grow stronger and in the end they may well be one of your greatest advantages.

Fire Week 2
Frost Week2
Electric Bane
Racial Weapons

Racial Technology

The technology of the character is based on their overall race. Every race has a tech score that is below. To raise or lower the tech score the player can speak with a Gaervol and pay training. The training will be 50,000 Training points per point of Tech, minus the overall understanding of the character times 5. Thus if the character has an understanding of 300, then they get 1,500 off of the 50,000. 

Technology is the ability for the user to understand and use the technology before them. All technology, from tools to weapons, will have a tech number on it. To use the weapon, tool, etc. the user must have at least 1 lower than the tech number on the item. For every point over the tech needed the user gains a bonus of +5 for its use, and the abilities gain +5 as well. Thus a player that has 3 pts. above the tech number gain a +15 for its use. Also, -5 for any points below the tech. Anything lower than 1 pt. below the tech can not use the tech properly and will fail.

Male: Racial Tech number is 5

Female: Racial Tech number is 4