

An Illusionist will use anything at his/her disposal to get the job done. They learn early that powers are great, but when you run out of your abilities, tricks will see you through. Thus the Illusionist is thought of like a trickster and relies heavily on the traps, slide of hand, effects and anything else they can learn to defeat an enemy. Those that choose this style of abilities usually are just shy of ethical and don’t mind getting their hands dirty.

Much like an empath, the Illusionist taps into the emotions of the opponent and creates an illusion that “feels” real to the victim. If doing this against many opponents, then they will draw on a well of collective empathic abilities to create the illusions as close to what they will all believe as possible. With each illusion comes concentration that the user must maintain to keep the illusion in place. Those with this ability usually have a high concentration and are incredibly good at keeping their illusions as real as possible. (See Empath)

This ability allows the user to walk freely on battle fields due to the ability to alter the sight of those that perceive them to believe that they are invisible. Also, they can refract the light around them to ensure much the same. The more powerful Illusionists do both when they get into a fight. (It is thought that Hide and Assassin use these abilities to varying degrees when they are in battle as the abilities seem very similar, but the normal trappings of the Illusionists don’t seem to befall either of them.)(See Hide, Assassin).

Due to the insane amount of concentration, the Illusionist will usually use one to three illusions at most when in battle and concentrate on keeping them in place. Should one of the illusions fall, often they all do because of the amount of stress that was holding them together, thus most illusionists are easily beaten after the first one is destroyed. Those that are of higher standing and are masters, however, become much harder to defeat because they have learned to alter their concentration in such a way that when one falls, they simply strengthen the other two. This ability makes them very hard to overcome mentally, and most mental abilities that will work on others, will have little to no effect on the Illusionist. (Telepaths have a hard time reading the minds of a Master Illusionist and hypnosis will no longer work on them, at all.)

The Illusionist is considered an incredibly powerful player, with very minimal skills. Due to their talents, they can be very scary to fight against. Due to their lack of other abilities (since they often take years perfecting even a single illusion to solidify it) they are not very well versed in much else. An Illusionist caught by themselves is easy prey if you can attack them without giving them time to prepare for the fight. With time, however, the illusionist becomes one of the worst mental users to try and take down due to their ability to set traps.

The first thing an illusionist learns is how to set traps to defend themselves. Some of these traps are illusions that they are taught how to place and no longer have to concentrate on due to their minimal upkeep, and will deal very little damage, and some of these traps are incredibly powerful but real. The real traps are the ones to look out for as they are usually hidden by the illusions until it is too late for the victim to get out of. Using these techniques, two Master Illusionists actually held off an entire army for three days. Every time there was an advance, one would use grand illusions to slow it, while the other would use the traps the two of them had set to ensnare or kill thousands of men. In the end both were executed on the battlements of the same city they were defending, but that battle wen down in history as one of the greatest accomplishments of their time. 

Beware the illusionist as well, due to the fact that they can alter your perception of you opponents, making friend to foe and foe to friend. This is not hard to do and Lusea (The most powerful of all the illusionists in existence, use this trick very often.) Two friends go after an Illusionist and suddenly one of them is attacked by a Gro-Ape and the other by a Rattle that both came out of nowhere. They are no longer certain where their friend is, but they know they are in imminent danger and must fight to survive. Thus the two of them kill one another without the Illusionist having to lift a finger in the fight. 

Note: Illusionists are susceptible to other’s illusions but can usually see through them. Due to the massive concentration that the illusionists learn, they make fantastic magic users. Many a Sorcerer started out as an Illusionist and simply kept learning skills. Also, due to this, many will become scholars and the like. Most deplore violence and avoid it as often as possible. The problem being, however, due to their training to learn empathy, if they run around with someone for too long, they will begin to gain their traits. This is exceptionally back for an Illusionist due to the company that usually wants to “keep ” them. Many Illusionists turn out to be a bit iffy on the humanity scale since they started off a bit unethical at first and being around cut throats or psychopaths doesn’t help their alignment.

Note 2 : Keep in mind, when an Illusionist uses their powers, the more someone believes what they see, the more power it will have over them. If an Illusion kills someone, or is perceived to, and that someone has at least 30 less Will Power than the Illusionist, the mind will make it real. Should the Illusionist be only 15 pts. higher than the victim then save rolls will ensue. Anything over 100 pts. of power in the Illusionists favor will solidify the illusion to be “completely real”. A Lusea has unknown Will Power, but it is known that the least of these magnificent beasts has been able to fool even the Malds into believing their illusions.