Summary of Race
The Atapooligate race live mostly in the Gulf of Palama where they have a major city under the Ocean of Podigor. The name of the city is Atapoolia and there are many cities littered around the edges of Shenor and Palama that the Atapooligate reside in or founded directly, though most of the Palama cities are often vacated due to the Rile Tera hating the Atapooligate (See Rile Tera).
The Atapooligate came into the historical documents around the third centuries Before Cataclysm, but where then known by a different name and where much different from the current Atapooligate, but the name is lost to time since the original tongue was also lost. Now, the race is very powerful on Probe One and are known for their seamanship and navigation.
Ranks Most Common
Militant Mages
War Mages
Racial Traits
Seamanship: (+12 Aware, +3 St., +2 Stam.) Most Atapooligate work on or near ships of some sort. They rarely move away from large bodies of water and will never go near Mt. Dryst or Dremta due to a superstition that is fundamental to all Atapooligate. They believe that both of these place are haunted and the only place on the probe that will remove from their the Mother Goddess Phlayiadobatrachus. Due to this they will sail anywhere on the probe except within a
mile of either of these two regions.
Cooks: (+4 to all Potions, +12 All food effects.) The Atapooligate are very well known for their cooking abilities, adding flavors to dishes that no other race can even replicate due to their great control of blue magic. Most basic cooks in the Atapooligate lands would be considered Chefs in all other lands.
Navigationists: (+3 Luck) The Atapooligate are exceptional Navigators as they never lose their way. They have an innate ability to always know true north and thus always know which way they are heading, even if blind.
Blue Magic: (+6 Mg. At, +6 Mg. Def., +12 Imbue)All Atapooligate are infused at birth with Blue Magic and as such can learn and use Blue Magic as though they had been taught for years. They mastery of Blue is amazing and grants them long lives as well, as most Atapooligate live well over five hundred years of age.
Racial Disadvantages
Fire Week 2
Frost Week2
Electric Bane
Racial Weapons
Atapooligate are highly susceptible to Fire, Frost and Electric attacks (See Glossy for details). They are also unable to use non racial weapons effectively, opting to use their own hands in battle rather than other’s weapons. This is not to say they will not use weapons when necessary as they can use these weapons at a loss of 1/2 their effectiveness. It is simply rare.
Racial Advantages
Water Breathing
Poison 8
Multi Attack 8
Jump 4
Atapooligate able to breath in or out of water with little effort. There blood is like a poison to most races, one of the most powerful on the probe. They are also able to use multiple attacks using their many arms, but be aware this will cause them to tire easily. Lastly, they can jump very high in the air, being one of the best jumpers of all races and most creatures on the probe, they are able to escape danger, or barrel into it, with their massive back legs pushing the way.
Physical Description
Heights: 5’8″ Weight: 210lbs.
Skin Color: Green, Brown, Orange, Yellow
Eye Color : Black, Yellow, Orange, Brown
Hair Color : N/A
Physical Description
Heights: 4’9″ Weight: 100lbs.
Skin Color: Green, Brown, Orange, Yellow, Red
Eye Color : Black, Yellow, Orange, Brown
Hair Color : N/A
Social Structure
Starting as nothing more than Hunter-Gatherers, the Atapooligate have made great strides and have become one of the more powerful races on the probe. Though it is not well noted since most of their land cities are nothing more than ruins that have been inhabited by the fringes of their society, there are two major cities on Probe One that have become vastly powerful and are often inhabited by more than just he Atapooligate race. These cites, Denmar and Cross Roads, both started as nothing more than Atapooligate settlements and have since become major strong holds for their race and others. In the case of Denmar, located on the west of Shenor, the Atapooligate settled and made one of the biggest shipping exports of the entire probe. The city became home of many pirates for a time since the Queen of Shenor was at war with two other countries and didn’t have the manpower to patrol all of her borders, so she commissioned Denmar’s ruling class to take up arms against her enemies. They did it so effectively, that now Denmar is one of the grandest cities on the probe.
Cross Roads, the once settlement of Atapooligate, has come under the protection of Chris Melaney during the Melaney Wars and many flocked to the city due to its securities. Now, with Chris dead, The Reachers, (See Reachers) are now the protectors of the city and all races may live there as long as they follow the rules of the city. It is known to be one of the most powerful cities on the probe as well as a city of great crime, just not within the city walls.
The Atapooligate have little hatred of other races and are usually quite trusting of anyone. Their society is vastly powerful under the sea and only one other society even comes close to being their equal. Due to this, many of the Atapooligate believe that other races and societies will leave them alone and play fair with them simply due to their great cities and the power they represent. Most are let down of this within a short time of dealing with outsiders.
As for a social structure, they are now a Monarchy that rules over all of the Podigor Ocean. Due to this fact they are extremely wealthy as they tax anything that moves across their territory. That with the fact that the kings have been a long line of very intelligent and well trained monarchs, they have kept their cities from being the targets of virtually any other race. The Monarchs are judged once every ten years as for how well they have done during their time as a Monarch. If they are judge as wanting, then they are removed from office and the next in line will be placed as Monarch. The leaving Monarch is beheaded that he/she may never try to come back to power again.
The Mother Goddess Phlayiadobatrachus is the one that chooses the successors of each Monarch and a sacrifice to her is supposed to show how well the Monarch will fair on the throne. When the ten years is up, the Mother Goddess is called upon to bless the success of the current Monarch and the nobles, which are all elected by the regions they rule over, are given the power to vote for their regions as to if the Monarch is doing well or not. If they vote negative, then the Mother Goddess is called upon to choose a successor. This process is a ceremony where twenty selected hopefuls gain the chance to be summoned to duty. If the Mother Goddess summons them, then they will sit on the throne and they will survive. If they sit on the throne and were not the chosen, then the Mother Goddess will remove their soul and leave their lifeless corpse to be disposed of as she doesn’t like challengers to the throne at anytime. Thus, all twenty must sit on the throne and see if they are chosen, even after a chosen as been brought forth. If there are two that were chosen, which has happened only twice in history, then the two will battle and the victor will be crowned. The one that loses, will be killed if they survived the ordeal. It is the only harsh part of their society and those that wish to step up to the throne know the stakes of their choices.
Atapooligates have much in the way of technology but are not considered leaders in this field. They are highly intelligent and crafty but not so much in the way of common since. Due to this fact, they often create vast machines but only two or three beings in their society know how to work them and after those two die off, the machines are lost to time. This has been the case many times in the past and for some reason they don’t seem to be able to learn from them. There are machines that can defy gravity, teleport, or even move through time, but all are locked away in a vault somewhere in the Monarchs castles due to the fact that no one knows how to use them, or even turn them on, and they don’t want others finding and using the technologies against them. Thus the race has great strives in Technology and are advanced, but are not advanced as far as they could be due to their own lack of self discipline.
Weapons: They use all types of weapons, but only those that their race actually makes to be held by their own hands. These weapons are usually very well crafted using a metal called Atalooth steel which is found in abundance near the bottom of the ocean, but no where on the surface of the probe. Thus this metal is only used by Atapooligate.
The metal is known for its ability to absorb heat, cold, and pressure and can cut through most stone when used properly. The more pressure, cold and heat put into the metal, the denser it becomes, while retaining its original weight. This causes many attacks to simply be absorbed into the weapon rather than dealing it damage. They rarely use shields of the same metal as the metal can cause backlash when held against the skin. In the case of shields, a great deal of padding must be used behind the steel to even slow the damage that would be dealt by a single blow of the metal. Most weapons made of this metal are incredibly durable and will not lose an edge for centuries.
Atapooligate also make their tools out of the same metal and thus most tools are extremely durable. A pick axe made of Atalooth Steel can be used to chip away at diamond, though it will dull the edge or even break the axe after a time, it can be used to easily chip or cut diamond.
Mother Goddess Phlayiadobatrachus. A Goddess that has been around since the creation and who has had three civilizations come and go before the Atapooligate. She was once a very cruel goddess and her people were less than desirable with the rest of the realm, but she had a run in with a Melaney, known as Chris Melaney, and was dethroned. He spared her life one two conditions. One, she had to live among the mortals for one hundred years. Two, she could not kill anyone and she could not gain fame of any sort during this time. She had to live among the commoners. She did not agree at first, but Chris convenced her that it was better than death and she finally relented. During her time on the Probe, she sired three children and watched each of them grow and each of them have families. She learned what it was like to be mortal and as such learned many of the errors of her ways. After her mortal death she became a goddess once more and chose to treat her people in a different way. Those people are Atapooligates, at least the Atapooligate believe this as the goddess will not commune with them directly to tell them if they are correct or not, though she does help them in many of their endeavors.
The Atapooligate have many ceremonies and “holidays” that they follow for this religion and are almost all devout in one way or another. All of them do believe in her and most will die for her.
Base Persona
Open Minded. Most of the Atapooligate, though part of a strict religion, are open minded to one another and to those around them. They are very hospitable and usually caring.
They can, however, become very violent if they believe that anyone is against their religion or their people. The Atapooligate can easily be devout and as such be fanatical about it. Talking religion with an Atapooligate can become very scary.
Interesting Racial Things
The Atapooligate have a secret that they have been trying to figure out for centuries. One of the Race before the Atapooligate became the Atapooligate, left a treasure that is supposed to release vast amounts of potential within the Atapooligate race, but they have to find it. The only clue they have is that it relates to their name. Beyond that they have not been able to figure out this message for centuries. They rarely, if ever, allow outsiders to know this secret and never allow outsiders within their main societies secrets.