Red Magic

Red Magic

This is a terrifying magic at its core. Red Magic is the magic of the Gen. The Gen, when the Genosphey was split, the First used Fire to dip the half that created the Gen and thus the Gen are of fire. (The Faye were dipped into water and thus they were created from water. Their creation is much closer to that of the mortals that were created afterwards and with their creation came Blue Magic. See Blue Magic).

When they were created, they were dipped into the depths of Cosmic Fire and their bodies were melded with parts of the Cosmos that allowed creation. Due to this fact, their magic came from that same energy. They refined that magic over the years to allow them to grant wishes and could literally create things with just their minds. The problem was that their connection with the Cosmos put certain restrictions in place that kept them from simply creating new things all the time. Due to something in their make up, they can not create anything that a non-mortal wishes. (Since they are immortal themselves, they can not wish for something on their own.) Also, each time they grant a wish, they have to use a large portion of Metophic Energy, which they can not manifest on their own. Thus the problem where when a mortal makes a wish, the Gen gets their soul. If the person makes the third wish, the soul forfeit and the person will die almost instantly. As this has seriously depleted their soul-mere, the soul is just shy of worthless to the Gen at that time. But if the Gen can gain thousands of these same souls, they can then use the charges from the soul-mere to power their own energies. The main goal of the Gen is to release their kind from Pregnatoa, the dimension that they now are bound to. Should a mortal wish them free, the Gen can pass from Pregnatoa to the realms of mortals. Thus the Gen will lose their connection to the powers in Pregnatoa and be held fast to the realm they were wished into.  This will leave the Gen at a fourth of its power, but still extremely powerful.

Many Gen wish to do this and will grant all types of things to get out of Pregnatoa as it is nothing but a wasteland, and most, after living outside of the lands of Pregnatoa, will become Genie. The Genie can grant certain wishes, no where near as powerful as the Gen, but can move around willingly through the lands and are not trapped within the item that brought them across (Thus the idea of the lamp). All of this is said to point out where Red Magic originates. The land of Pregnatoa was created with nothing but raw Red Magic and Cosmic Fire. Thus nothing truly grows there. The amount of magic that slips into the realms of mortals are so minute that the comparison is negligible. A true Red Magic Mald of the realms of mortals would be a novice in the lands of Pregnatoa. Thus most of the Red Magic users are trying to find the items that house Gen so that they can be granted vast powers from the lands of Pregnatoa. There is part of a prophecy that the Gen hand on to that states that one day the entire land of the Gen will be vacated for the lands of the mortal realms and as such many of the Gen are trying to full fill this prophecy. No one is certain if the prophecy holds water or not.

Red Magic, a projectile magic, is incredibly powerful in its destructive force. It is nothing in comparison to Yellow magic when it comes to overall destruction, but it can be targeted on a single opponent or multiple, where Yellow can only be wide spread. This makes Red very versatile and allows the user to manifest only what he/she needs to defeat an enemy without worry of destroying the countryside around them.

Red can be used to summon smaller creatures that are made of Red Magic direct. These creatures, after they have done their job, if they live, will simply scamper off and leave to find whatever they choose. Due to this fact, entire colonies of Red Magic beings have been created without the knowledge of the Red Magic users at the time. Centuries of these creatures being summoned and using them for cannon fodder left many of the summoned on the field alive after a fight. The users would simply walk away and leave them and they would all being making colonies to band together and actually started civilizations that rival some of those of the mortals on the probes.

That said, Red Magic is not a summoning magic, though it can, it is more of a powerhouse to defeat the enemy in a barrage of hurling flames, meteors, arrows of fire, etc. Rarely is the magic used in defense and even more rarely is that accomplished without great damage to the user. A Red Magic user would not be in a battle that left him/her open. They would stay close to the front line but would always have someone defending them. But woe to the person that breaks through the lines and gets too close to the user as the projections that they can fire are capable of devastation on a major scale.

Red Magic, is a very quick magic, used to fling and taunt others. It is not hard to focus this magic on a single subject, but it is hard to absorb large sums of magic into the caster unless they are immortal. This is due to the fact that Red Magic will actually damage a body that it imbues and thus is rarely used by sorcerers or wizards that wish to bath themselves in the magic before using it. Mages use this magic on a regular basis and are very skilled with it. They do not have to bring the magic into their bodies, but rather focus the magic to a hand or finger of which they will usually be wearing a glove or something similar to defend the effects of the Red Magic. (A user will take 5 pts. of damage per round if they charge their magic into themselves. Certain spells will actually deal damage back on the user when cast due to this issue.)