Yellow Magic

Yellow Magic

No one is quite certain what prompted it, the creation of the Many Multi Verses, or possibly some Suprema that was trying to get a leg up, but it is known the first one that ever used this magic. There have been many fights against the First for dominance and it has always come from the Suprema and not the Super Suprema. Those that would actually be equal to his power seem either to not choose to be part of an overthrow of power, or they know better. Either way, these particular Suprema decided to take up arms against the first. One was using Red Magic, one was using Cosmic Fire and the last was using Yellow Magic. The Cosmic Fire and Yellow Magic combined destroyed an entire Universe in the fight and the Red Magic, in the hands of a true Gen, caused that same universe to implode on itself. None of this had the slightest effect on the First and as such they had lost before they even began. But two new powers had been created. (See Cosmic Fire under Energy and Red Magic).

Seeing they had lost, the Gen, known as Dovamaus Gen pledged loyalty to the First and tried to give himself over rather than being destroyed. The First took pity on him and simply threw him back into the realm of the Gen. (See Gen)

Goval Tunasi, the Suprema using the Cosmic Fire, tried one last effort to defeat the First and was destroyed by his own fire. In his destruction, the First pushed all of the power that would have been lost to the cosmos into the energy of Cosmic Fire, manipulating it and making it much more powerful than before. Today, Cosmic Fire is one of the most deadly energies in existence and revered as the greatest power among the Cosmic powers, aside from Karakum Energy and Metophic which both are of a Cosmic scale and higher. (See Karakum and Metophic Energy).

Yellow Magic, now in the hands of Yothar Nogala had been used so effectively that the First took note and asked that Yothar teach him how it worked. Yothar agreed if the First would spare her life. Agreeing with this, but under the circumstance that she no longer take up arms against him in any capacity, she became the teacher of Yellow Magic and the Suprema of Cosmic Destruction. It is said that she created the first Phoenix and gave man the ability to use fire. The magic that she teaches is extremely powerful and destructive.

Yellow is a magic that is used for many enemies and never for a single opponent. When used, the magic will spread like a wild fire in all directions from the user and deal damage on an epic scale. The fires that are created rival that of the sun at times. The average flame from a Yellow Magic spell are 3500°F and will spread as if an oil base were present. If something is on fire and someone touches the item, the Yellow Magic will travel to the person touching the item and will begin to consume anything it can on the victim as if they had just been doused in oil or kerosene.

Rarely used for any reason other than creation of grand weapons, this magic fell out of favor with most of society. Even the outlaws shun it for its destructive force, but a small sect of Monks have learned to wield its destructive forces for themselves and have made it part of their fighting stances and attacks. Using this technique, called Azertan Uzar, they can throw a punch surrounded with Yellow Magic and deal heat damage to the thing that they are attacking. The attack will burn through most anything that it comes in contact with and will leave clothes and even armor on fire. These Monks are very protective of their fighting styles and secrets and thus only a Monk of ten years can begin training in these styles, but when they first take on a Monk, the Azertan’s will begin training them to withstand the magic directly within months of arriving. If they can withstand the training for one year, they will keep them training for the other nine, if they can not, they will challenge the student to a duel to the death. If they win, the student dies and all of the secrets he/she has learned will die with them. If the student wins, then they can keep their secrets and leave the Monastery. Due to this culture, few decide to even try.

Due to its nature, Yellow Magic is not only destructive to the things that it is cast on, but also to those that cast it. If a person uses Yellow Magic without a charm, or some way of defending against its backlash, then the user will take 1/4 of its damage dealt out with each attack. Users of this magic do not have a direct defense and must use the magics offense to defend themselves. Due to this, the wielder will take a lot of damage in any fight. Those that have mastered Yellow will have charms, totems, etc. that will take the backlash, but most will not hold up during a given fight so they will have many to choose from.

Be aware, Yellow Magic is not a magic of control at all and as such, the user can not control where the magic is going to disperse. Once released, the magic simply envelopes whatever is close and destroys if before moving on. Due to its viscous nature when formed, water has little effect on putting out its flames other than spreading the damage further and further. Be very careful if you are going to use this magic, even in the smallest degree.