RPG Mode

RPG Mode

The Character card has everything that is needed to know about a character. If a player likes their character, they can choose to advance them through more cards in their deck, or by buying the next level of the same character (See buying advanced characters.). 

To start the Role Playing Game Mode of Indexia, each player will pull out their decks, and remove the Rank Cards that are in the deck, placing them on the field to show their rank. These cards will be played through from 1-X as the game progresses. To move up in level, simply pay the Training cost of each of the cards as the game progresses. Once paid for, there is no need to continue paying for them on each game. Simply start the game at the level. for the Training needed to move up, see Rank Levels Paid. 

Once the Ranks are on the field, each player may buy in their weapons. Again, once paid for, this will not have to be done again save for broken weapons, etc. So if a campagne goes on for a long period of time, there is no need to keep buying everything every time the party starts off. (Also those that have already bought their stats may start with them at the beginning of any RPG game of their choice going forward, but they will need a witness to the fact that they have paid for them.)

Getting Started

Weapons and Items phase

Each player places their weapons on the field, showing what they are carrying with them. If the players weight exceeds their carry weight, then they must put something down or find a way to augment their carrying weight (See Carrying Weight). 

Players with hidden weapons, items, etc. may place them on the field upside down, but they have to be on the field. There is no hand for this game as everything is done with the weapons already bought. If someone wishes to buy something different, they may search their hand and bring it in at any point that they can buy actual weapons and items within the game. (This means that they can’t be in the middle of the desert and bring forth water simply by buying it since there is no one selling it there.)

Once everyone has their weapons and armor paid for and out, they begin the game. These weapons and items are all they will have on their journey, so they must use them well.


For every map there will be an Encounter's Chart

Much like most RPG games, everyone in this game will encounter something throughout their missions, or simply just getting a drink in the bar. Realize that Luck comes into play greatly with these encounters and there are actually different levels of encounters for the different levels of luck one has. Usually there will be three to six different charts that one will roll against in the game. For someone with poor luck (1-2) the chart will be the level 1 chart. Those with fair luck (3-6) will use the level 2 chart and so on (See Encounter Charts.). So be wary of anything that might rob your luck.

These encounter charts will cover every inch of the campaign and there will be enough to keep everyone busy. 

Whose the leader

Every team must have a leader. In this case, the team may choose a leader as long as the characters Persona’s line up (See Persona.). Remember that if there is a character that will not work with another character naturally, then putting one or the other in charge may well spell disaster from the get go.

Should no one choose a leader, or an argument ensues, the breaker is very easy. The person with the most Initiative will be the leader. This will stop most of the fighting and will cause a very aggressive campaign (See Initiative.).

Starting the game

Now that you have your weapons, Items, etc. and you have your leader, it is time to begin walking through the encounters. Everyone should have read the briefing on what their mission is by now, but it is always there for anyone to re-read. 

To begin, the leader will roll the two 1d6 dice that were in the kit (If you did not buy a kit, you can still play this buy using the online supplies and two different color dice. We use One Red and One Black and will call them this going forward.).

Roll the dice after announcing the direction you will be taking. Then announce the color of the die that you choose for this roll. (Either Red or Black.) If your color is red and the dice are favored to red, then look on the encounter chart for the red die – black die numbers (For example if it is Red 4 and Black 2, then look on the Chart for 4-2 and the encounter goes forward as whatever is there.).

If the number is the other directing and your color did not win, then it would be Black 4 and Red 2, in which case you would look at 2-4 and go from there. Each will give a different outcome for the encounter.

Each player will do this and follow the encounter while moving as far as they can each round. Remember that a player can only move as far as their Mobility will allow in a given turn and each turn will cost a different amount of stamina per movement. (On the map there should be an indicator as of how far a single square is an how much stamina is consumed. If a person is out of stamina, then they an not move more than 1 square per round until their stamina is regained and they can not attack until this is regained as well (See Stamina.).)


Each Campaign will be different. The base campaign, which anyone can see on this site and play through, is a very short one and allows everyone to see how the actual game goes. Longer Campaigns, some stretching out for years, will be in the kits, or in the Subscriptions areas of this website. 

Once players begins a Campaign, anything that happens within the Campaign becomes permanent. If they choose to play one of the other modes of play, then their character is free to live, die, get dismembered, etc. without repercussions. In this mode, however, be serious enough to keep your character from taking harsh, lasting damage, for these will be the lasting things on the character going forward. If a player’s Persona is reduced to lower than their starting, that Persona will remain that way going forward (See Persona.).


When a creature, minion, etc. are defeated, there will be an amount of Training at the top right side of the card. These are their Starting Values (See Starting Values.). Take that number and multiply it by a 2d6 to see the training that was gained for defeating this character, creatures, etc. Repeat the process for the Brik as well. 

As stated before, use this Training to advance your character.


If you are defeated for any reason, then then you will get a saving roll. This roll will depend on two things, the Will to live (This is the Will Pts. of the Character) and the Luck. Roll 2d6 after choosing a color. If the color is in your favor by enough points then you have saved yourself. If not in your favor, or not with enough points, then you are defeated and lose a life. The Encounter sheet will tell what the save roll will be for each section of the map (See Save Roll.)

Note: Each Player starts with 3 lives and can gain more through the game. If at any point a player dies and has no more lives, they are removed from the game.

If they are killed with a life, they simply are revived by paying the Training needed for the revive. (In some cases, they must be taken to a Priest, Monk, etc. to be revived due to the damage of their bodies. This will be denoted in the attacks.)