These are the abilities that are on the cards. This Glossary is for the abilities only. Some of the definitions are within the Main Glossary as well. If you are looking for something on a card, the Abilities Glossary is where you want to look. Simply click the Abilities link above.
As for a definition of abilities: An ability is anything that can be used by the player at any point during a battle without the need of a card (other than the Race or Rank Cards). Abilities can be on the character card or rank card. These abilities cost a certain amount which will be shown within the glossary under the link above. Those without a stamina price will have a cost of 2 stamina per use. (See Stamina and Stamina Burn.)
Abilities that are higher than just the base will have a number after them. Such as Healing 5. To have Healing 5, the player must have learned Healing, Healing 1, Healing 2, Healing 3, etc. So each of these levels are considered useable during a battle as well. As such, a player that does not wish to pay the cost of Stamina Burn per use, can use the subsequent abilities rather than the same one over and over.
Example: Healing 5 cost 2 for the first use. Then if they use it a second time it cost 4, then 6. Rather than pay the doubling price, they simply cast Healing 5, which cost 2. Then they cast Healing 4, which does less, but also costs 2. Then Healing 3, and so on. Each level will only cost the original cost of stamina and will not double as long as it is only the single use. When used a second time, however, the double cost goes into effect.
An Action is a single thing done by one character within a Response. The actions starts with however many actions the character has. Each character starts with 4 actions and then their suspend ball tells how many actions they are reduced by. (I.E. if the character has a suspend of 3, then they have only 1 action open to them. If they have a suspend of 1 then they have 3 actions open to them.)
Each item has a suspend as well. Many will have 0, but those that do not, will take up a single action to put into play. If the action of the item is 3 and the player has 3 actions open, then they will spend all 3 actions this turn for the one item. If the item has 0, then they will spend 0 actions using the item.
Casting spells that have a suspend on them shows that the spell will take that many actions to be cast. If the player begins a spell that is 4 actions and they have only 2 actions, then the spell will take until their next Response to be completed. This means that the player can not do anything during this time for the spell to be cast. If they are attacked, they can not defend themselves. They can, however, use pets, creatures, minions, etc. If the player uses an action during this time, they will negate the spell and have to start it over. (The manna used to cast the spell will be lost if this happens.)
Swimming : -2 Action due to using the entire body to swim. Many will not be able to swim and fight at the same time at the beginning of the fight. This gives certain races a great advantage.
Flying: -1 Action. If flight with propulsion is not effected by this rule, but if it is done with wings, or something that causes muscle to be used in the movement, then -1 Action for each round of flight. (This will cause certain races not to be able to fly at the beginning of the game and thus they will seem weaker, but give them a chance and see what they can do as they get further along.)
This is how agile the character is. The agility of the character rules how easily they can move through an area, how quickly they can adapt to being hit and how easily they can adjust while in air or being thrown. A being that is low agility will be easily thrown off center and able to be tripped, knocked back, etc. A being with higher agility will be able to center themselves better after a hit and be able to more quickly counter attack or defend where needed.
The Agility of the player will govern how well the player can move through the environment without causing bodily harm and take hits without causing bodily harm. If a player is taking 50 points of damage from an attack and defends that, it is the players defense vs. the attackers attack. However, if they choose to throw in their agility, which will cost them 5 Stamina per use, then they can possibly dodge the entire attack. However, if they are using agility and defense together, they must choose one over the other and not both. Therefore if they have a high Agility and low Defense, then they would choose the Agility as their defense and try to dodge the attack. If they have a low Agility, then defending is their best option. Note: If they choose to use Agility over defense, the player will roll a save roll to see if they were able to dodge. If they were, then no damage is taken. If they were not, then the damage left over the Agility points will be doubled for the damage.
I.e. If a player has 15 Agility and they do not get the save for dodging, then they are hit with the 50 attack. They subtract their Agility from the attack, leaving them with 35 pts. of damage to contend with. If this happens, the 35 points becomes 65 points because they were hit while off center. It is a gamble but one that may pay off in the long run.
Note: Agility does not double when used. Every use is 5 Stamina.
Attack/Magic Attack/Mental Attack/Energy Attack
Attacking with any of the attacking stats is simply putting the stat of the attacking card against that of the defending card. If the Character has 5 physical attack and the defender has 8 defense, then the attack fails. However, if the attack goes th e other direction, then the attack succeeds and the defenders would take 3 pts. of damage.
If an attack fails, however, there can be repercussions in the form of Reverb. (See Reverb.)
If a player is attacking with a magical weapon, be certain to add in any energy that may be used as well. The energy of an attack will hit at the exact same time as all the rest and must be defended accordingly. The same holds true for mental, physical, magic and energy. In every attack check all of the attacking stats before finishing the defense. (Characters and creatures can only use physical attacks unless they have spells, energy abilities, etc. to aid them. The Character can not simply wave their hand and throw energy without something to allow them to release it. Therefore, just because a character has a high energy attack, doesn’t mean they can readily use it. They must have some ability, card, mutation, etc. to allow them to focus and use the energy into an attack. This holds true for all stats other than Physical.)
An Avatar is a being that houses 50% of a Supre Mald or Higher. These beings are rare and often burn out before anyone even knows what they are. In the case of most Avatars, they can live out a regular life without any issue. As long as they do not tap the massive amounts of power within them, they will live like any normal mortal of their race, sex, etc. However, once the energy has been tapped one time it will unleash all of the energy like a flood into the body of the Avatar, making them much more powerful, stronger, more durable, etc. The issue being that with each use of this energy, they are running themselves down on Soulmere that can not be recuperated.
The Avatar, after tapping the energy, will feel a euphoria wash over them after every use, and they will yearn for that feeling. Much like an alcoholic, every time they use it, it becomes harder and harder to not use it again. It has been known to be so powerful as to cause Avatars to burn out within a few days of unlocking their power. When the Avatar burns out their power, there is one “Last Blast” of which they will use all of their contained energy from the original standing of Soulmere into a single, explosive blast. Few of them die quietly. Thus it is rare for Supre Malds to use them for anything meaningful.
The Avatar gains their power from a well that is just within whatever realm their Higher Being is within. This well is filled one time and only one time throughout the life of the Avatar. When they burn out, the well will draw the exact same amount of Soulmere from within the realm to fill itself once more, but the well will then destroy itself, thus pushing all of the energy into the Avatar at one time.
Note: The amount of energy that can be within the well can be up to 50% of the amount of power the Higher Being can use within a given day. That amount of power would destroy any mortal being in existence, however, there have been two Avatars that lived through their explosive ends and went on to live out the rest of their years, though much less powerful than before.
This stat decides how well a person perceives their surroundings. The higher this stat, the more the player will notice in their journeys. The lower the stat, the less they will notice. When something is hidden within a given area, the item will have an awareness number. If the player has a number that is 2 or less below the item’s awareness, then a save roll will allow the player to see them. If the awareness is higher than that of the item’s awareness, then the player can find the item simply by choosing to use their awareness.
Awareness is only present when the player chooses to use it. Costing 2 Stamina when used. This Stamina doesn’t double when used more than once.
Battle Chest
The Battle Chest is the deck that you are playing with. Everything within the chest is yours to use as you pull it out. All Battle Chests are the same, but what is within the Chest is what makes them different. Fill your chest with the best of everything you can find to defeat your opponent.
In Indexia there are all types of payment, but to keep everything simple, we will use the most common currency known as the Brik. The Brik is a small coin that has been made of an extremely precious metal that is worth about 1 standard dollar. These Briks are small but a bit hefty. Everything that is bout or paid for will have some kind of Brik cost.
Note: there are bigger coins that are worth more, but they are not common.
Note 2: The metal, known as Lorathonian Brik, is mind from deep in the planet core and is not easily brought up. Many planets won’t even have natural Brik and will raise the price of Brik exponentially. When this happens, the player’s will be able to buy and sell things on that planet with the greatest of ease, as long as they still have Brik from their other exploits. (Used mostly in the RPG modes.)
A player that exceeds their Lift weight (Strength) will become Burdened and can not run. If they exceed it by 1-5 pts., then they can’t run but can still walk slowly (Costs an extra Action simply to walk). (This will cost 2 extra Stamina per round when moving).
A player that exceeds by 6-10 pts. will be unable to move at all and will slowly drain Stamina by just standing still (This will cost 2 extra Stamina per round for simply standing still).
A player that exceeds by more than 10 pts. will be dealt damage at 2 pts. per round per every 5 pts. over the Strength. This will also cost 4 Stamina per every 10 pts. over the Strength. This will continue until the Burden is lifted or the player dies.
The Cardomon is the pinnacle of Vampiric lore. The Cardomon is a Vampire God that has fed on a deity long enough to become one themselves. As is thought, this is rare as the deities are not easily overcome and less easily tricked into giving up their life essence. Due to this, there is maybe 10 in all of existence and of those 4 work for Death Stalker directly.
The Cardomon no longer feeds on the blood of their victims, but rather steels the Soulmere right out of their bodies. This makes them incredibly powerful and hard to kill. Silver, Holy relics and Holy water deal no damage to the Cardomon. The are still bound by the laws of the Vampire, however, and can’t enter a dwelling with out being invited. They can not go on Sanctified or “Holy” land that is so from a true deity. The rest is as of yet, unknown. What is known is that Melaney metal and Kyothain metal will both harm the Cardomon. Beyond that not much else seems to phase them.
They are extremely powerful in both Magic and Mental abilities. They are very strong, placing them in the class of Supre Mald. They are resilient to all types of attack.
Note: Cardomon can’t be the target of Spell.
Note 2: Cardomon can’t be the target of “time” abilities.
Note 3: Cardomon can’t be the target of Mental Abilities.
Catch Spy
The Catch Spy is basically the “sixth sense” of the player and tells them when they are being spied on, followed, etc. Even if no one is there to be seen, but the player suddenly gets the hair on the backs of their necks, or goose bumps for no reason. The Catch Spy is mostly used outside of combat but can be used for in combat as well. In this use, it is for detecting traps that are undetectable by the Detect Trap die. Most view this ability as a type of Precognition and in many religions it is outlawed to raise this stat.
When in non-combat if the player thinks they are being followed, spied on, or are trying to find an item that is beyond their Awareness, they can choose to throw this die and the one following them or spying on them will have to roll a Stealth roll against the Catch Spy of the user. In the case of the items being found, it is the Awareness of the items vs. the Catch Spy(2) actual number. (If an Item has 35 on Aware points, then the Catch Spy times 2 of the user must be higher to find the item). Using Catch Spy this way will cost 10 Stamina per use with no doubling.
Note: Many Precogs, Wizards, Sorcerers, etc. will use this die to augment their own precognition abilities. In doing so, when they are trying to roll to see future events, or trying to discern the meaning of something, they will add the Catch Spy to whichever roll they are attempting to give it greater weight.
When a card is removed from the field, it is not removed from the game. It is instead removed to the Cemetery. This little plot of land is designated for the player and will allow them to simply recoup all of their lost items when their Battle Chest (See Battle Chest) is emptied. Each player will simply move their Cemetery back into their Battle Chest once it is depleted. That is, as long as the Cemetery is not guarded by a Crypt Keeper. (See Crypt Keepers).
In RPG, the Cemetery is where the Soul goes when the character dies. If a player dies and loses his/her body they will wake into the Cemetery and have to find their way back to where ever they were before if they have any items left to collect. After a player dies 3 times, their bodies will be removed to the Cemetery where they will be protected by the Crypt Keepers (See Crypt Keepers). If someone wishes to revive a body that has lost its soul and been buried in the Cemetery, they will have to face the Crypt Keeper to get it. This will not be an easy task and there is a lot of ceremony that goes into raising the dead that are buried within a Cemetery. Those that are unlucky enough to be buried out of a Cemetery, or not buried at all, will be subject to the hordes of Zombies, Vampires, etc. that will usually raise them for the armies of the dead. There are three different armies as such, but Death Stalker’s is the largest and everyone is afraid of being pulled into his unholy armies. Thus, the Cemeteries are used to protect the dead. Also any belongings that are on the dead as well.
Character Card
Every Character will have their own cards consisting of three cards in all. The first is the center card which shows the main character’s attack, defense, etc. with any abilities they may have. This is called the Character card. The card with have the character’s Starting Values and will have the main stats for attacking with each type of attack. (See Character Stats, Character Profile.)
The Concentration of a player is based on how well they can push out the noises and world around them. For a concentration use the character will follow the following equation.
((Will/100) + (Luck/2) + Mental Defense)
That number will be the base throw of the characters concentration. They must roll this once every 4 rounds. The roll will be against
(Energy/100) + Mental Attack + (Awareness/4))
The Concentration can change constantly and the player can pump Imbue into any of these stats to Concentrate better or harder.
Concentration can be broken if the player is hit with 10% damage, the player is attacked directly mentally or is pushed more than 1 square from their starting position. Also, Concentration must be used once every 4 rounds for any spell, etc. to keep it working through more than 4 rounds. Thus the cost of the Stamina becomes greater the longer the spell, ability, etc. takes to be completed.
If a player wants to make a spell, ability, etc. more powerful, they can choose to use their concentration to pump into what they are using. If this is done, then go through the same process and have the users continue to concentrate into the ability, spell, etc. until they choose to release it. For every set of Actions that they are successful, Add +2 to the spell, ability, etc. (By Set of Action: If the spell takes 2 actions to chant, then after 4 Actions of concentration, the player can cast the same spell with +2 added to the spell.)
Note: Concentration Consumes 2 Stamina per round and Costs 1 Action per round.
Counter Attack
Counter Attack’s are a way of life for some races, as such there are three races that can Counter Attack without the penalty, allowing them full attacks on their counters. (Rattle, Treeashians, Zorbee)
If a player has not taken more than 1/2 life during an attack, they can Counter Attack. They must have Actions remaining. They must have an ability that allows them to counter attack (This can be in the form of a weapon, an ability, a spell, etc. or even the simple fist).
Counter Attacks are 1/2 the attack of the weapon in most cases. There are abilities, weapons, etc. that overcome this rule. Counter Attacks can’t be used from projectile weapons. (This doesn’t mean that the weapon can’t be used to counter, only that it can not be projected into a counter. The Counter Attack must be held in hand.)
Note: Shock can be used to overcome this rule. (See Shock Pts.) The defending creatures, character, etc. can now counter attack by ½ normal attack against the attacker. This is against the opponent’s armor or self. Shields cannot defend counter attacks without the abilities or training to do so.
Note: Ranged Attacks and Sneak Attacks cannot be Countered save with abilities that state as such.
Crypt Keepers
Of all the creatures to fear, FEAR THE CRYPT KEEPERS. These other worldly beings don’t posses a body per say, but live off the Metophic energy of the dead, or the Soulmere of the living. Rarely do they attack the living other than to drain small amounts of Soulmere to get to their next location, which is always with the dead. Where ever there are a good stack of bodies, a Crypt Keeper is sure to show up. They are easy going as long as something is paid to the passers, but if there is no Metophic Energy and no Soulmere to pay or too little to pay (At least 10 pts.) then the Crypt Keeper will respond as though the victim is encroaching on their territory and they are extremely territorial. Realize, the Crypt Keeper is neither corporeal or a spirit. They live in a constant state of flux and as such, hitting one of them is extremely difficult, however, they can hit anything from the physical realm to the spiritual. Some say fighting one Crypt Keeper is worse than fighting three Gargoyles.
When encounter one of these during RPG Mode, they will only attack if their territory is attacked directly or if they are attacked directly. Since only a handful of beings have ever learned how to attack them, this is unlikely to happen. However, if a Soul wishes to return to the living, they must pay a toll of 50 Soulmere to return. If they do not have this amount then they can choose to pay 100 of Will, 100 of Mental and 100 of Magic in exchange. If these can’t be paid, other adventurers can choose to pay the toll for the fallen party member, but everything will double in cost. Be aware, feeding Crypt Keepers makes them much stronger each time. So, each time a player dies, double the cost of resurrection. This will last for 6 months after resurrections. There are ways around this and a good Cleric will know them.
Card Game: The Crypt Keeper is a set of cards that can adjust, manipulate, etc. the Cemeteries of players. Some will shield the Cemeteries from other Crypt Keepers and some will damage the Cemetery in varying ways. There can never be more than one Crypt Keeper on any Cemetery, but one is usually all that is needed. To defeat the effects of a Crypt Keeper, anyone can challenge the Keeper themselves. If they do, the Crypt Keeper becomes another player and can then begin to use their abilities in full. Be ware the Crypt Keepers.
When a creature, player, etc. reaches 0 on their health, it does not always mean that they are dead. It does, however, mean that they are defeated and removed from the field of battle, unless they have an abilities, etc. to counter death.
The dead, those that are reduced to 0 and have no ability to conquer death, will be dead and will be moved to the cemetery. Their souls will be moved through their pocketed Metophic energy into the next life.
Note: Sometimes the pocket of Metophic energy was used during the life span of the player, creature, etc. In this case, the soulmere can not move on and thus is trapped within the mortal coil. When this happens the victim becomes Undead. (See Undead.)
Note: Sometimes the soulmere has far too much Metophic energy welling from their soul and they can choose to stay on the mortal coil. When this happens, the victim becomes Undying and their body will heal itself over time. (See Undying.)
Note: Those that do not pass on will be noted by Death, the Being that farriers soulmere back and forth between realities. Should this happen, Death may well expose them to the God Slayers. (See God Slayers.) This will only happen in the RPG, or if a card states it as such.
The creatures, item, etc. will lose 10 pts. of life per round, every round, until it is defeated. This is an ability, but also pertains to the natural state of decay on an organic body. If left out in the open overnight, this will happen to the body of any organic that has no soulmere within them. However, when the moon is up, the decay is more like that of a natural body. Thus the reason that most burials are in coffins that are air tight. (Most societies of this time period simply burn their dead rather than burying them, but a few still bury.)
Detect Trap
This stat defines how well a player can detect traps in the given area, or against ones self. This pertains to any trap, rather physical or other. If the player chooses to use this stat, they will pay 2 Stamina per use for the focus.
The player will roll Det. Trap plus Awareness to see if they can find the trap that is hidden. All traps will have an Awareness and Stealth on them. Add those together for the defense of the Trap being found. If the player wins, they find the trap. If the player loses, then the trap remains hidden and the player will have to try again.
When speaking with others, if the player thinks that they are being lulled into a trap, they may choose to Det. Trap in their speech. This will trigger a Det. Trap + Aware vs. the Opponents Stealth + Diplomacy. If the user wins, then they will know if they are being talked into a trap. IF they lose, then they will have no idea one way or another. Either way, it costs 5 Stamina for this. This can only be used once per conversation, so use it wisely and sparingly.
Note: this only works for up to 5 squares from the player.
Note 2: Det. Trap works similarly in the card game, but the trap will have a Det. Trap, Awareness, Reflex, etc. on it if it can be avoided. As long as the user has higher points than the trap, the trap will not trip against them.
Diplomacy is how well a person can talk themselves out of or into trouble. This is how well a player is liked or disliked among those that you encounter. This stat can be moved up or down much better than the Persona of the character and does more for the character overall. Even the worst thief and murder on the probe can be friendly to his/her friends. This will allow the player to be “Diplomatic” while still being evil to the core. A player with low Diplomacy but high Persona still comes off as uneducated and rude.
This can also be used to step out of fights that are not truly decided. A player can use their Diplomacy against the opponent’s to try and Negotiate their way out of the fight. This will still count as a win if they can pull it off, or as a Tie if the opponent is stronger than the user by only a little. (See Negotiations)
Discern Lie
When an NPC, another Player, or someone else is lying to the player they can use this to discern if they are being lied to. If they believe that they are being lied to at any point, they may use their Discern Lie against their opponents Lie. If they win, they then know they are being lied to. If they lose, then they believe the lie they are being told and it will strengthen their belief in the person doing the lying. (Note: if the person is not lying but telling the truth, the outcome is still the same.)
If there is a subject that it not well known to the NPC, person, etc. then lying to them is easy. However, if there is a subject that the person, NPC, etc. is familiar with, then the lie becomes much harder. In this case it becomes the Lie + Diplomacy + (Will/200) vs. the NPC’s Discern Lie + Diplomacy + (Will/200) in response.
If an NPC, Player, etc. is lied to 5 times from the same person and believes the lie, (Meaning they try and Discern the lie but fail 5 times) then the Discern Lie will begin to drop 1 point per every 5 times this has happened. If the Discern Lie ever gets to 0, the victim will believe anything the Liar says. Only having someone else point out the truth can break this cycle, and only if the truth is pointed out on 3 different occasions.
This can be an effective tool, or a devastating one. The Gods, Malds and Supre Malds use Lie and Discern Lie as a means to trap others into their own beliefs.
Eminent Undying
A player, creature, etc. with Eminent Undying is extremely powerful in that they are nigh invulnerable to any type of death. This simply means that there is usually only one way to kill them.
An Immortal will be able to be killed a number of ways, but they don’t age and can’t get disease of any sort. (See Immortals.)
An Eminent Undying, on the other hand, can not truly die without the one thing defeating them. Sometimes that one thing is very simple and sometimes that one thing is extremely complicated. In the case of the Melaney, for example, they can only be killed by another Melaney wielding a Melaney weapon. (See Melaney.)
Be aware, Eminent Undying creatures, players, etc. can’t be healed by any means other than their own. Healing one of them will prove useless and they will simply have to take the time to heal themselves, or have another with abilities similar to their own heal them.
The Energy stat is how much energy a body can produce. This may or may not be something that said body can withstand when firing it, so be careful when using energy from any character.
The Energy points are how many points can be pumped into a single energy attack. The player can attack with pure energy without using any abilities, but their body will pay the price. Without an ability, the energy that is released will deal 25% damage to the body of the user. Thus a 100 attack of energy will deal 25 pts. of damage to the user. The energy that erupts from their body will be chose by the energy that they can manipulate. Thus if it is electric energy, and they are using no ability, then they will also take damage from the electricity. (This will be a rate of 25% per damage.)
If a player runs out of energy pts., they can still use energy abilities by using imbue and focusing their Soulmere into the attack. However, it costs 2 Soulmere per 1 energy point in thee conversion, unlike Magic or Mental.
A player, creature, etc. that uses all of their stamina will be fatigued for 1 round until they can “renew” their stamina back to at least 1 pt. (See Stamina).
When fatigued, the victim can not defend with anything other than their natural defense (This does not include rank, shields or other attributes that would need to be held up or concentrated on to keep in place for defense).
If the victim is wearing armor, they will use the defense of the armor as well.
If the victim has up a force shield, mental shield or something that lasts a few rounds, but does not need concentration to stay in place, then they can add that to their defense as well.
A character that is fatigued by any other means still goes by the above rules.
Note: Fatigued characters skip their Market phase and can not defend or attack using their own character. Creatures, items, etc. that are on the field already are not affected by their master’s fatigue.
Note 2: If a player decides to attack with their weapon, rank and character added together, they will deal more damage, but will be fatigued until the following round.
Note 3: A player that uses all of their actions is essentially fatigued, but they can still place immediates that don’t take concentration. They can not defend however so use Actions carefully.
The Fear Stat is one that is used by most of the races in one way or another. The Fear of a player, NPC, etc. is how well they come across as intimidating or creepy. When a player is trying to intimidate an NPC, or another player, they will use their Fear stat vs. the opponent’s Fear stat. If they user wins, the other person is intimidated by them. This can range from mild to shocking as per the die roll.
For every 10 pts. above the opponent the user rolls, intimidation will take on a stronger response. See Intimidation Roll Chart.
Note: When one is intimidated, they can overcome the intimidation with a save roll, or by using their shock die to try and stun themselves out of the intimidation. However, if they fail, the Shock die will cause them to fatigue for X rounds (See Shock).
The Gaervol is a character that has studied in the arts of magic, energy, etc. and is able to raise the stats of other characters. This character must have gained the rank of Gaervol before being able to adjust other’s ranks. However, the Gaervol can not adjust their own ranks or ranks of those that are of more than 6 Persona away from themselves. This can make it hard for certain characters to level up.
Note: Some Gaervol are completely neutral characters and they can level any side, rather good or evil. These will cost more to level up from but it can be well worth the Training.
Note 2: Gaervol can not be intimidated into leveling a player up or down. Intimidation will work on them as it will on any other character, but their abilities will shut down the moment they are intimidated.
A God is a being of great power that can manipulate massive amount of energy, magic, etc. A being must first learn how to absorb Soulmere and manipulate it to their own uses before they can be considered a God. Also, they must have at least 1,000 Soulmere feeding them (rather dead or just through prayer) daily to maintain their God-hood. (See Soulmere).
Once one learns how to absorb Soulmere, they can then be prayed to like any other Higher Beings. The prayers that are offered in their name, grants the Soulmere of the prayer to the Higher Being in the form of Metophic Energy. The Metophic Energy must then be manipulated in such a way as to form it into energy of magic, force, other energies, etc. Only then can it be used.
Note: There are four spells that are held within books of power and magic that can, if the ceremonies within are followed to the letter, then the result will be that the user becomes a God. Once in this status it is a matter of Soulmere collected that can move them up the scale.
Note 2: The spells mentioned in the first note are all, but one, hidden within the Ravos. Ravos is the capital of Rikinia where nearly all religious items, spells, etc. are held. Rather they be of a good or evil religion. (See Ravos, Rikinia)
Note 3: Anyone that becomes a God, rather through abilities, spells, etc. will be putting themselves in danger of meeting and having to fight God-Slayers. (See God-Slayers).
The Imbue Stat is the stat that can make or break a character in the best and worst of times. With this stat every other stat can be augmented as needed as long the player has enough Imbue points. However, these points come from the Soulmere of the character, which do not replenish, and can kill if overused (See Soulmere).
Imbue can be pumped into an stat there is (exceptions being Luck, Life and Imbue) and augment them for a single round of attack, defense, etc. Thus if a player decides to lift something that they could not normally lift, then they can use Imbue to lift it off the ground. They could not use this to continue carrying the item for long periods as it would wear off after only one round and their strength would go back to normal. If they are still hefting the extra weight they may well take damage from it.
Imbue can be used for just a couple of points or for all of its points at once. Each round the Imbue returns to its full amount so if a player has 30 Imbue and uses all of it this round, they will start the next round with 30 once again. This can never be used for more than is in the Imbue ability. The 30 points could never be 31 unless another point was bought for the charter.
Note: Imbue can be used on the player character only. (Can’t imbue an item, weapon, etc., but can imbue the power they are placing into that weapon, item, etc. by imbuing their own attack, defense, magic attack, etc.) Creatures, etc. can not use their imbue unless it states on the card that they have it. If they do have it, treat the imbue like the first ability and the creature will imbue that ability when attacking for the first time. (So, if a creature has imbue and is brought in from the Monster deck, then they will trigger their first ability and they will imbue all of their points into that ability on the first attack. If they are using fireball, then they will imbue magic, if they are attacking with a tail, then they will imbue physical attack. Which ever attack is the highest for that creature is what they will imbue. They will never imbue more than their lives, but they will use imbue as many times as is possible for them to defeat their opponent. This means that every time they trigger that first ability, they will trigger that first ability as well.)
Counter Attacks can not be used with Imbue, unless there is an ability that allows this (See Counter Attacks).
The Initiative Stat rules the rounds of attack during all battles. The person with the highest initiative goes first and then flow down the line. This stat will also be used when in negotiations where the person with the highest initiative will get to make the first move of each round.
Karakum Energy
In the Reality of Left Shoe there is only two sources of this energy. In the Eternal fight and Stabilization of the Cosmos this energy is the Polar Opposite of Metophic and will react violently if the two of them mix even slightly.
Karakum is nearly as powerful as Metophic energy but much more stable, though with a bit less overall power. A wielder of this energy can easily overpower any magic, mental, energy etc. users without much thought simply due to its ability to manipulate all of them. Metophic energy is the only energy that can stand even with it. Though Metophic is more powerful directly, it can not sustain as long or at as high a potency as Karakum. The winner of a fight between these two energies would come down to the person with the best imagination and higher will.
This is the energy that makes up the whole of the Right Shoe Reality. None of this energy can be used within Left Shoe Reality without dire consequences. There is only one being that has ever been able to wield both energies together without destruction.
There are four beings, other than the other stated that can use this ability within Left Shoe Reality.
Beware any being with this energy, for they have the ability to take on even the Suprema.
This stat is for the ability of the player to “lead” others. This will show how many followers a player can have at a given time. If a player chooses to use minions, merchs, etc. they must have a leadership of 5 per each followers. Without this, the “follower” will last for 1 round and then either leave the field or switch sides.
A high Leadership can also be combined with Diplomacy and Will to sway a crowd of people. When making speeches or trying to talk people into a particular way of thinking, combine the two of them together and it will be the player’s Diplomacy + Leadership + (Will/200) [Round Down] against the NPC’s Diplomacy to sway them. Note: Against other players, they get the same additions for defense against your speech
Note: The higher a leadership the character has, the more trouble they will get into before others. This is due to the fact that all attackers will attack the person with the highest Leadership first when in a random encounter. However, if the opponents are intelligent, they may choose to attack the biggest threat first, but that will be decided by the encounter.
The very word Lich will strike fear into the hearts of all living and many non-living beings. The Lich feed off the Metophic Energy that the dead leave behind. This energy can build up greatly overtime and thus many Lich are extremely powerful. Most will manipulate the energy into magic of one form or another (almost always Black, Grey or Gold).
A Lich is created when a person dies, but has enough Will to force their Soulmere back into their body, but not enough Metophic Energy to come back to life. When this happens, which is rare, it causes the reapers to ignore them as if they were alive, but their body can’t truly hold life. To get back to the land of the living, they must first gather enough Metophic energy to do so. Some will be able to because of where they die, others will stay in a stasis limbo for eons before someone comes close enough for them to absorb the amount of energy needed to animate their corpse. When they get enough Metophic Energy to start their Soulmere once more, they awaken and are instantly tied to something or someone within this realm. If they are completely destroyed but the item remains, then they can bring themselves back using the Metophic Energy that they hide away in the item. The problem is that these items can be anything from a button to a statue the size of a mountain. Thus finding the items becomes an issue. A King Lich has learned to make multiple items and ties himself to more than one at a time. A Queen Lich has learned how to ingest the item and keep it on her person to safeguard and the item is constantly feeding them Metophic Energy that they have stolen from the dead over years.
Almost all Lich manipulate Metophic Energy into Magic of one color or another (usually Black or Grey). A Lich is not inherently evil, but most are either insane, or not far from it and as such can’t truly recognize friend or foe. Only fight or run. They all, however, hunger for the Metophic Energy within living beings. If they can get ahold of anyone, they can sap the Energy from them and into their item. However, if they can kill that same person, they can gain mass amounts of Metophic Energy from their body, usually storing it into their item.
Be ware of Totems as many of these belong to a Lich, a Witch Doctor or a Nyothis. Any of these creatures are terrifying on their own, but give them a totem and they can become legendary (See Witch Doctor, Nyothis).
Note: Lich can not be directly harmed by conventional means, in that most weapons will do nothing to the Lich other than anger them. Silver, Kyothain and Fire are the best weapons against them.
Lie is the ability of the character to stretch, bend or even rewrite the truth. This is not just lying directly, but also has to do with body language. A good liar can mix their Diplomacy with their Lie and persuade people to do many things they normally would not have. If a player is trying to lie to a single player it is simply Lie vs. Discern Lie. However, this only works on subjects the person doesn’t know or understand. If it is a subject that the person, NPC, etc. is familiar with, then the lie becomes much harder. In this case it becomes the Lie + Diplomacy + (Will/200) vs. the NPC’s Discern Lie + Diplomacy + (Will/200) in response.
If an NPC is lied to and discerns the lie, they will respond poorly to the player. From that moment forward, the player’s persona will have dropped in the eyes of the NPC and they will no longer trust them unless the player is redeemed in the NPC’s eyes. This isn’t hard to do, but takes some work. An NPC that doesn’t trust a player will drop the price of bought goods, raise the price of sold goods, and be all around distrustful and just shy of rude to the player.
Lie die vs. Another Player is the same as above, however, the opposing player may go and learn about the subject to prove that the Liar was lying and thus form their own conclusions from there forward.
Above is what it will look like on the cards.
This Stat is the amount of life a being, item, etc. has when they come into the game. Keep a close eye on this as if this reduces to 0 then the being will be sent to the cemetery, in most cases. (Be aware that there are some, like the Melaney, that can be reduced to 0 and still continue fighting. Others that start the game at 0 and will leave play if they gain any.)
This is the life of the character, item, etc. This will be depleted as damage is dealt, but will only be depleted when the character, item, etc. can’t defend the amount of damage that is coming at it. Thus if the life of the weapon is 50 and the defense of the weapon is 20, the damage must be 21 pts. before it even starts into the weapon’s life. So to defeat the weapon completely in a single round, the weapon must take 70 pts. of damage in all to be defeated.
For the cards: Life is directly above the Weight button and shows how much life the card has. If there is a 0 in this spot, then the card will hit the field for this round and then be removed at the end of the round. Nothing exists without some sort of life.
The luck of a character comes into play in virtually every game. The Luck of the character is used in almost every game mode to allow a certain amount of cards to be drawn. (I.E. if the character has 4 on luck, then the first round they will draw 7 cards to their hand, but every round after that they will only get 4. Though all players draw at least 1 card per round.)
Luck comes into play with saving rolls if playing the RPG, when something goes terribly wrong, the player will get a save roll to see if they lucked out of the way. That roll will be their luck. (See RPG Mode.) A player that has a high luck will get more Save Rolls and better adjustments to the roll than one with lower luck. (For every 8 pts. on the Luck stat, a player may take an extra Save Roll if they lose their first. This can only be done 3 times, regardless of Luck).
Luck also comes into play when anyone is trying to run away from a fight. If the player is hit with 1 pt. of damage they can’t make it away, however, if they have a high luck, they can remove this rule. The luck of the player is divided by 2 and that is how many points they can be hit by and still get away. (Using this rule will cause the player to sacrifice 10 Stam. and 1 Action)
This same rule, the last one, also applies to casting spells with high concentration, etc.
Note: All spells take concentration. The higher the concentration, the more damage the caster can take before losing the spell. So if a spell lasts 4 actions and the caster has only 2 per Response, then they must take up 2 actions into the next player’s Response to finish the spell. In doing this they are leaving themselves vulnerable to attack. If they take damage that exceeds their concentration before finishing the spell, then the spell will not resolve and will be lost to the cemetery. However, if they choose to use their luck (which will cost 10 Stam. and 1 action), they can then add their luck to the concentration to help them get through the spell. (When using luck this way, divide luck by 2 and add that to concentration.)
Luck can also be used when a player is out of Actions but must defend in some way. The luck can allow for a single action (which will cost 6 luck) and allow the player to make a single Action. However, the luck does not come back to the character and as such the player will lose that luck for the rest of the game (Must sleep 8 hours to gain back the Luck).
In RPG Game Mode, Luck plays a roll in many things, but the Save Roll is the most important (See Save Roll.). For this, Luck comes into play simply as a bonus for what is being rolled. So take the luck of the character and divide it by 10, rounded down. So if a player has 10 pts. of luck or higher, then they get a bonus of 1 pts. on their die up until 20 pts. of luck where they get 2 pts. added. So on and so forth. This can make a huge difference in the Save Roll.
Luck is maxed at 50, though there are characters that have exceeded this number, very few and always without some outside help. A luck of 50 would be considered Divine luck.
Magic Points
The Magic Pts. Stat is how many magic points a player has to work with during each day. These points replenish from the Soulmere, but do not count against the Soulmere (See Soulmere). These points are used to cast spells, set wards, etc. They are the life blood of the magic enthusiast.
Magic Points, like Life Points, are linked to the Soulmere of the player. Should a player drop in Soulmere, they will also drop in Magic Points as these points are replenished by the Soulmere. To regain Magic Points it take 1 hr. per 25% of the points. This can be an hour of sleep, or just good rest. A Magic user can use their spells to help them speed this time up and many will have spells specifically for this, but no spell can replenish magic directly. If Soulmere is dropped by 1 pts. from the character, then the Magic is dropped by 5 pts. This is only if the character loses the points from their base 300 (See Soulmere).
Note: When a magic user reaches 0 on their points, they can use Will Points to cast spells, but it costs 2 pts. per every 1 Magic. They can also use Soulmere directly at the rate of 1 to 1 as well, but only through Imbue.
Note 2: Magic users can bond with different magics in different ways. When they do this the magic will grant them different abilities and advantages that others may not have. This will affect the Magic Points of the magic itself, but it will only work for that color of magic and no other. (Be aware that mixing magics can be harmful, or even down right dangerous, but many magic users will tend to do so to become more powerful. The Magic Points are the same, even if the magic is of a different color.)
Malds are beings that can pull on the Soulmere of up to 10,000 + Souls. The soulmere is collected into a well that is within their own realm and forced into their body. To become a Mald, a God would have to gain power over a realm, and gain at least 10,000 souls to place within it. (See God).
The Mald is a level higher than that of a natural God and is extremely powerful. Their power allows them to manipulate most of the matter around them and even create certain things within the realm they are in and reality. (See Realm).
Though the Mald is more powerful than a God in direct combat, they can still be defeated by Gods if they are not careful. Think of it like a Pro Wrester and Body Builder vs. a runner that does not work out much at all. The runner will probably be faster, but if they go head to head with the Body Builder they will lose. By using their wits, though, they can overtake them.
Malds can live in the reality that they are tied to, but they often will find a realm to take over so that they can retreat to safety if overtaken by others of their kind.
Though they can, Malds will rarely bring anyone into their realm for fear of a take over. If someone comes into their realm willingly, they will have complete control over what happens to the being within the realm, just as if they were a Suprema, but once they leave that realm the effects will only keep those that are within reality. (Thus if a Mald puts a platypus nose on a mortal that is within their realm, when the mortal returns to reality, the nose will be gone and their regular nose will be there, but it will be broken as the bones would have had to be shattered for the platypus nose to have been added and then taken away.)
Malds can do nothing to someone within their realm that did not enter willingly.
This is not a family name, like most believe, but the name of a superior being that is able to walk the planets. These beings are outside the norm for mortals, Gods, Malds, and even Supre Malds. Most Supre Mald can not take down a Melaney alone. Only the fabled Titans have ever faced a Melaney alone and prevailed.
Melaneys have 4 “Melaney Abilities” that set them apart from other beings in that these abilities usually make them as powerful as a God for even one of them. With all four combined the Melaney is extremely powerful. Some will control the wind in varying degrees, but then have a second ability that augments the first so that they could whip up tornadoes with the flick of a wrist. Then they can alter that using a third ability that adds electricity to the mix and they can control the electricity so well that they have it only run down one side of the tornado. That is only three abilities and none of them used to their fullest extent.
All Melaneys are marked with a single tattoo that will begin to itch and glow slightly when another Melaney is nearby. Once it begins to itch, the rest of the tattoo will become visible and their house will show. These tattoos can appear anywhere on the body and most will hide them for societies will shun Melaneys for the most part. (It is currently believed that All Melaneys are dead due to a Massive war that waged for nearly one hundred years between them. The last two Melaneys were Chris and David. When they killed one another, Gridlok took the remaining portions of David’s army and fled back to Achellios, where they are still to this day. Cross Roads, the site of the final fight, was the last place any true Melaneys were spotted. There have been some half blood Melaneys here and there, but they are usually hunted by Bounty Hunters and Mercenaries to be sold as slaves, or beheaded for the price on all Melaneys heads. None of the half bloods can reach nearly the potential destructive force of the true Melanies.)
It is said that, “Only a Melaney can kill a Melaney.” So far, this has shown to be true. (This is due to the Melaney blood making them Eminent Undying. See Eminent Undying.)
Only Melaney weapons deal true damage to a Melaney and thus a true Melaney will take damage but will heal extremely fast from all types of damage, save for that of a Melaney weapon.
Note: Melaney Weapons can not be held by most of the populace. Mortals, Gods, Malds and even some Supre Malds will take massive amounts of damage for even holding a Melaney weapon due to the radiation that is within the weapons. When a weapon is used, the radiation pours out massively and thus using the weapon in combat will deal even more damage to a non-Melaney, making their weapons virtually useless to anyone other than a Melaney. However, these weapons are sought after because they can cut through virtually any metal, or rock, known to the Suprema. Only two metals have with stood and only one mineral to this date.
If your character is a Melaney, then there will be a Melaney Tattoo behind the characters picture. If this is the case, try to keep others from seeing the character’s tattoo or you may become a target. Also, this means that other Melaneys will be coming after you. Only they can kill you, but you can be reduced to 0 and thus still lose a game. However, you will heal at such a rate that even 0 will not last long.
Melaney Houses
House one is the Mythic G-G’hoenix: The Bird that would one day give birth to the Phoenix, Lolosfae and the Genosphe, and most red magic and many energy abilities
House two is the Mythic Lychnopyre : Gives birth to the Lycan and the Vampire, Wolfs, Bats, and most supernatural abilities.
House three is the Mythic Peragacorn : Gave birth to the Pegasus, Pegacorn, the Stallion, Unicorn, and most mana abilities
House four is the Legendary Melator: Gave birth to the Manticore, All cats, and much of the Mental Abilities.
House five is the Mythic Lolosphae : Born of House one, then breaking off when the Genosphey were divided, the Lolosphae birthed most of the Fae abilities and great amounts of Mana abilities.
House Six is the Mythic Gargoline : Gave birth to the Gargoyle and is the mother of most physical abilities and many energy abilities. Also, Mother of all curses and cursing.
House Seven is the Mythic Wyvadria : Gave birth to the wyvern, dragon, hydra, and many other of the sort. Mother of Most dark mana. Allows others to mix Mana and Energy, like the Sorcerer and some energy users.
This is how well a person can buy and sell things. In any of the games, all items are buyable or sellable at the whims of the player’s Merchant. A player with a low Merchant will pay much more than one with a high Merchant and this can change the dichotomy of the entire game.
For the use of Merchant, take the Merchant of the seller and that of the buyer and subtract them from each other. If the buyer’s is higher than that of the sellers, then the buyer will get more value, but if it is the other way around then the seller will get a discount. For the % of sale, the extra points are divided by 10 and that is the % removed from the sell or added to the buy. There is always a base amount of value for an item, then go up or down from there.
Merchant does not work in negotiations except when negotiating prices.
Mobility and Mobility Ball
The Mobility Stat is how far a player, NPCs, etc. can move in a given Action. This will alter per type of game being played and actual game play. See the rules of the game being played to adjust for mobility.
A player can not attack something outside of their Mobility unless they have an ability that allows. Mobility can be adjusted through many means, but can never go below 1 unless an outside ability adjusts it to 0 or below.
Swimming : -4 Mobility. Many races can’t move in the water very well at all and thus will not be able to move through it. Due to this, most will drown if they do not get the proficiencies of Swimming, or Water Walking, but it will also depend on how deep the water is. If a player can stand in the water, it will impede their movement, but will only be at a -1/2 of their mobility. If they can not stand, then it is the -4 Mobility.
Monster Deck
The Monster Deck is simply a deck full of Monsters, Items, Cursed Items, Traps, etc. This deck is used in Monster Deck Game Play and will usually have at least one boss within the deck.
If a player goes through their Monster Deck too easily, simply get more powerful creatures to place within the deck. The harder the creatures, the harder the game will be.
Note: Items collected in the Monster Deck can not be used in other game play types. These items can, however, be used to continue a campaign in the Monster Deck Mode. The items will stay with the player until that campaign is complete.
Mutations are anything that changes the “norm” of the race and makes them stick out from the rest of their race in one way or another. These mutation are sometimes cosmetic and sometimes much deeper.
Any race with Adaptation on it will be very good at Mutation. (See Adaptation.)
The Mutation Icon will be on any card that has mutation, but there will be a number that is with the icon above. It will be like the 1 below the icon and will indicate how powerful a mutation the mutation actually is.
A mutation card will indicate what level it is and how much mutation it will deal. Those cards will actually mutate the victim the moment that they are hit with the mutation, but the control of the mutation will vary as per how much mutation the victim can take. Thus a player that is hit with a mutation that is 5 or higher and has a 3 on mutation will not be able to control the mutation and will take damage every time they use the mutation. (To find out how much they take, use the mutation of the card, which was 5 and subtract the mutation of the victim, which was 3. So 500 – 250 leaves 250 pts. of which is then divided by 4 and rounded up. So, in this case, it would be 63 pts. of damage per use. Use mutations carefully.)
The Nyothis are an Eminent Undying race that slipped from the other side of the Abyss some time during the Immarian Age. At one point they filled much of Colemanian, but now there are only a handful on the entire probe. At least that is the belief as they have not been seen in a very long time.
These creatures are much large lumbering Sasquatch with large arms, long powerful legs and a torso full of muscle. Their face is shaped more like a cat than anything else, and they have a bite that rivals that of the Zorbee. They are considered stronger than the Rattle and they have a wingspan that is nearly the same size as their own bodies. These wings are wrapped around the user like a cape and even are mistaken as such in many cases. They are able to see in perfect dark and they have speed that rivals that of the Flight Demon. This is what is alleged as no one on the light side has seen one of these beings in nearly three hundred years. They all seemed to die off during the second Melaney War nearly 1500 years ago. After that age, only a few were spotted here and there and those were considered figments of someone’s over active imagination.
The Nyothis feed on anything with Metophic Energy and were once used to rid the probe of the Lich nearly completely. After the time of the Nyothis, many Lich have plagued the probe.
Though the Nyothis look like cat-people and not very bright, they are masters of strategy and incredibly intelligent.
Note: It is believed that these creatures were the first on the probe to ever create a true Totem. This Totem was created due to the fact that Nyothis can not use Magic of any sort. Through the Totem, they were able to become great magic users, even to the point of Sorcerers and Warlocks. The Totem was soon picked up as a magnificent weapon but only three types can make a true Totem. The Nyothis, the Witch Doctor and the Lich. Though the Nyothis’ are the more powerful.
Note 2: It is said that the Nyothis can take on even the Cardomon (See Cardomon).
Persona is the way that a character views the world around them. Everyone sees the world differently, through different lenses. Each lense has a different squew and each squew will “justify” an action differently. A person that steals something may turn around and return the item as if an accident, or continue to steal in the furture because they got away with it the one time. Each action brings forth another action that squews the lens either further to one side or to the other. The persona is how others percieve the character and how they percieve themselves. Actions will be adjusted due to the persona and an action can actually break a character if the persona can’t handle the action.
The Persona is the way a person will act and react to different stimuli. This will develop the character’s overall identity. These are a map to the overall decision making process of the character and are loosely based so that each character will act differently, even if they are of the same Persona. Most of the Persona’s are very forgiving, but a few are incredibly strict. A single infraction of these Persona rules may well result in pain, alteration of Persona, etc. to the player.
Moving up or down these levels is extremely hard but can be done. Some will buy their way up or down, which is allowed through training, but the costs can get astronomical. Some will simply do deeds that will move them up or down the spectrum, but this can also become costly as often they have those that follow them of like mind and they will lose the compatriots should they change their persona too much.
Note: This is not how well the person is liked by others as that is an outward thing and Persona is an inward thing (See Diplomacy). A player that has a high Diplomacy can actually make other believe they are good and kind when in reality they are sociopaths, or Psycho paths. On the other hand, they could act cruel and evil while actually being Sympathetic or Kind. The Diplomacy is the mask that one wears, while the Persona is the face underneath that is the true being of the player. Be weary of those that have different Persona than yourself and keep your Persona to yourself.
This stat does two things. First it shows how well a person can withstand poison/venom when being assaulted with it. (All poison will have an attack but the attack of the poison isn’t like a regular physical attack, but rather a neurological attack. So instead of using Defense against poison/venom, a victim will use their Poison to defend it. The higher your Poison, the more defense you have against all types of poison/venom.
The second way that this is used is if a player is using poison weapons or poison/venom as a weapon. (The player must be the one that crafts the poison, or adds it to the weaponry for this to work. Otherwise the poison just does its base attack) When applying the poison, or crafting the poison, the player then will add their Poison into the attack of the poison/venom to make it stronger. When a player is skilled enough they can make such poisons as deadly, or nullifying as they choose.
Poison is the Poison of the player vs. the Attack of the poison/venom on the first round. If the player’s stat is 15 and the poison has an attack of a 12, then the poison is nullified within the body of the player and nothing happens. If it is the other way around, though, then the player will take the effects of the poison for as long as it lasts, but will only take the 3 points of damage for the first attack.
Note: For every 10 pts. of Poison stat that a player has, remove 1 pts. of effect from the poison/venom.
Note2: Venom, which you will see in certain places above, is natural poison that is used as a defense against others. The venom of the creature is synthesized into a poison for use, but is never as powerful as the venom that the creature originally uses. So if a snake is milked for its venom to create a deadly poison, the snake, when delivering its bite, will have more damaging of an attack using the same venom than the person using the poison. Crafting poison isn’t hard for anyone, but crafting venom is nearly impossible as it is a biological reaction, even though it is the same substances. So if a creature uses venom, be very careful not to get scratched, bitten, or stung.
A card that is placed on the field without the need to pay for it. This is only at the beginning of the game and only 2 cards in all. These can be a two Rank cards of the same type. Two Rank cards of different types, but you must have Cross Training. (See Cross Training).
It can also be a Rank card and a regular card if the character has an ability to allow it. Such as Weapon 1. (See Weapon 1).
Preliminary cards are placed before the deck is shuffled. All abilities that are on the cards take effect immediately. (Though be aware if this is the Rank card with the first and second Ranks, then the top card is the only one that gains any abilities from as the first card is now negated due to the second card. (See Rank Cards.)
This is the amount of a card. Each symbol with this ball in front of it with a number in it, will cost that many of that symbol. If there is a ball at the top right of the card with the number 4 in it, and then followed by the Brik symbol, then the card will cost 4 Brik.
Note: This ball looks similar to the Reach ball, but this one is purple and the Reach is blue. This ball will always precede the symbol for which the cost is needed.
A Proficiency is a training scale to denote how well someone can do something.
Such as, If a person jumps into the water and has never swam before, they may well doggie paddle, or they may well sink. If they have been trained slightly, then they will doggie paddle. If they have been trained well, they will be able to swim out. An Olympic swimmer will easily glide through the water as their proficiency will be very high.
Each level of proficiency will grant something to the user. These levels do not stack. The one on top is all that is given to the user. So if a user has swimming 4, they do not add each of the 1-4 swimming proficiencies together, but rather they simply read the number 4 to get the adjustments to their stats. Also, they have to buy each one going in order to gain the next. No one can buy 1 and then 4, they have to buy 1-2-3-4. (See Proficiencies).
Race Card
The most important card on the field, the Race Card shows the player what race they are, what stats they will have. What they are afraid of, what they should avoid, etc.
With this card, the player knows how hard they can hit, how fast they can move, how far they can move, etc. It also shows what languages they speak. A player that does not have common tongue, can not communicate verbally with anyone that doesn’t know the language of the character, or at least one that they know. If this happens the communication between the players must be found in a different way. This can be rather tedious, so be careful who you team up with.
The values at the top right of the middle card (The one with the base stats for the character, like attack, magic attack, etc.) are not renewable. Once they are used, they are gone. These values are to help at the beginning of the game for the players that draw poorly from their Battle Chests (See Battle Chest).
Note: If a player has a persona that clashes with another player in the party, the two of them will have to be separated for the duration of the game or they may well fight one another. If their persona’s are too far off, they may well fight on sight (See Persona).
Note 2: All races have starting talents, abilities, etc. These will be on the card. Read them well and learn those abilities so that you can use them when the time comes. Some will start with the ability to avoid attacks. Some with the ability to terrorize others, etc.
Note 3: All races will have their disadvantages as well. Those are on the Middle Race card showing as Poison Bane, or Fire Bane, or whatever. Look up these abilities and learn them as well so that you know what to avoid when fighting.
Note 4: The Talents page, which is the left side of the three with all the symbols on it, will show what the race can use. If the character is going to be a Blue mage, they must have the blue icon on this card or they can not use blue magic. If they are using creatures on the field, but do not have the Domestication icon, they can not control the creatures and they will simply attack anything on the field, or run away, depending on their Initiative.
Note 4: Racial Abilities are usable anytime during game play. It does not matter whose Response they are used on (The only exception is when fatigued). However, every use has a Stamina Cost. (See Stamina and Stamina Burn). If a player uses the ability more than once during a given battle, or if RPG a given day, then they must pay double for each use, making it double each time used. So if it costs 2 the first time, the second it will cost 4 and the third it will cost 8 and so on.
Rank Card
Used to show the Rank of a player. This card will have all sorts of information on it and will bolster the player’s abilities as long as the player is not fatigued.
The Rank Card is a preliminary and each player can have only 1 of each type of Rank on the field at a time. So if a player is playing Swordsman, then they can have Swordsman 1, 2,3, etc. on the field, but only the top card is used for its abilities, values, etc. (The player can have only 2 Preliminaries at the beginning of the game, so they would only place Swordsman 1,2 to begin with and then have to draw the rest to place on top. The only exception to this rule is Cross Training. See Cross Training)
Rank Cards have to go in order from 1 – 5, or fifty depending on the Rank. They can be lain on the field in either direction, going up or down the scale. So a player can place a 3 on a 2 and then a 2 on the three. The reason for doing this is that every time a new Rank card comes into play, it replenishes its abilities. So if a player has used dodge three times and it costs 5 Stamina, then the fourth time they use it will be at a cost of 20 Stamina. However, if they place a new Rank Card on the field with the ability, then it is the first time they player has used this agility from this card and thus it only costs 5 Stamina once again.
Note 1: While this can be very helpful during a match, keep an eye on the weapons on the field because some of them can only be used with particular Ranks. If a Rank is dropped that the weapon can’t be used with, then the player drops the weapon on the field.
Note 2: The values on the Rank Card are not renewable. So if the card has 10 Brik on the top right, then the player can use 10 Brik from the card, but it will not renew. Only by placing another Rank card does it renew.
Note 3: Rank Abilities, those found on the Rank card, can only be used once per card. So if a player places a Rank with Dodge on it, they can use the Dodge one time and then it is consumed. However, if they place the next Rank up and it has Dodge on it, then they can use the ability again since each Rank Card renews itself. (Realize that once a Rank is placed on top of the last Rank, the values that were not used on the second card down are now lost. Only the top card of Preliminaries is used.)
Rank System
The Rank system is how “powerful” a person is within their chosen discipline. If the player is a Mage, then they will have one of these ranks and that rank will denote how in-depth they are, often it will mean the different between life or death if you are careful to keep your level close to those that you are fighting. Should you choose to attempt to defeat someone that is 3 or more above your own rank you may well lose. That is not to say that you will, only that you will be at a firm disadvantage
All of the Ranks are setup in Platforms and each platform denotes a deeper level of understanding and manipulation. Be aware of your opponents before going into battle and it may just save your life.
Most Mortals will not go beyond this point as Expert is as high as their blocks will allow, or they have grown too old to continue working. Those that are long lived can make it to Magus or even Arch Magus, but it is rare. Even more rare are those that make it to Master. Anyone with this title, is to be feared greatly.
Arch Magus
Arduous Master
High Master
Grand Master
Divine Master
Arduous Epic
High Epic
Grand Epic
Divine Epic
Grand Mythic
Reach and Reach Ball
Reach is denoted by the small blue ball at the bottom of the card in the middle of the red and black balls. (Which are Mobility and Suspend.)
The Reach of a Character, creature, weapon, item, etc. is very important during RPG Mode and Table Battle Mode. If you are playing regular cards, then disregard this completely. (Unless everyone chooses to use it for other uses.)
The Reach of the card tells how far away from themselves they can reach with an attack. Most of the time, this Reach is around 1. This denotes that they card can not attack something that is further away than 1 square from the card to be attacked. If it is more than 1 square away, then mobility comes into play to allow the card to still take its attack. (See Mobility.)
The Response Stat shows how many actions a player can make during 1 Response. Each time a new player begins their Response, all Actions are reset to their highest number and can be used accordingly during the Response. A player that is not in Action can not use their actions to attack, but can use them to defend. Thus if a player has 3 Response, then they can defend 3 times during another player’s Response. Or, the same player has 3 attacks that they can use during their own Response.
When a player is out of Actions, they can no longer respond at all, thus they are fatigued. If a player has 3 Response and is attacked 4 times, they can only defend 3 of those attacks. (There are cavoites to this rule, but they will be noted in the ability, card, etc.)
A player that is defending against a group of people will have a chance to defend each Response with their own actions. Thus is a player is attacked by three people and the first one attacks 4 times (using the premise that the player has 3 Response) then the fourth attack will deal all damage, but when the next attacker begins their Response, the player will again have 3 Response and be able to defend another three attacks.
It a player is using an ability, magic, etc. that takes up all of their Actions plus more then the ability will not fire during their Response. So if a player uses a spell that take 5 Actions to complete but they player has only 2 actions, then they will start the spell on their turn, the next person gets their Response and the spell is still being cast. Then the next person gets their Response and the spell will fire. During any of this time if the caster looses their concentration, they will lose the spell. (See Concentration)
When the attacker deals far less damage than the defender, there is the matter of Reverb. This is much like punching a brick wall with your bare hands. The hand will probably not fair very well if swung with any real force.
The Reverb is taken as damage to the attacker in the form of 1 pts. of damage for every 5 pts. over the initial attack the defender gets. Thus if an attack deals 7 pts. of damage and the defender defends with 21 pts. of defense, then the attacker will take 3 pts. of damage (always round up) because 21-7 is 14 and 14 divided by 5 is 2.8 pts. which rounds to 3. This may not seem like a lot, but it can add up very quickly, espectially since there is no way to defend Reverb without a skill or ability to do so.
Save Roll
This allows the players in RPG to overcome defeat if they roll high enough. A few things have to be in place for the Save Roll to be effective, however.
- The Player can not have used a Save Roll in the past 5 rounds (for the same reason).
- The Player can not have been completely consumed by something leaving no body to save. (This can be overcome if the player chose to use their save roll to avoid being consumed, but not after the fact.)
- The Player must have at least 30 Soulmere left for use to pump into the Save Roll.
Save Roll gets two things brought into play to augment it. First the Luck and Second the Will of the player. Luck is added at Luck Divided by 10. Will is the Will of the character Divided by 100. If these are high enough, they will add to the dice rolls in the player’s favor.
Save rolls are 1d6 vs. 1d6 (One color vs. One color). The player will announce their color before the roll and roll the dice. The player must beat the vs. dice by 2 pts. for the save. (This does not matter the encounter, 2 pts. is always the setup).
Add the Luck and Will together as stated above and for every 50 pts. add 1 pts. to the dice. This will work up to 6. When the save roll is played, the player will gain 10pts. of life and 10 pts. of stam. for 2 rounds to try and get themselves out of whatever they are in the middle of. If they are saving vs. a Trap, then they have the extra to spend to get out of the trap. At the end of the 2 rounds, the points are withdrawn from the player and if they reach 0 they will be moved to the cemetery.
Soulmere is the energy from the Soul of the character. Each day every soul will produce a certain amount of Soulmere and that energy can be used for different things. (This is considered Metophic Energy and can be incredibly powerful.)
The player can use their Soulmere to help defeat opponents, do certain things within the game, or even cross over to the other side. However, they must be very careful not to use up their Soulmere as this will case them to erase their own immortality. Each Soul gives off a certain amount of Soulmere, but has 300 Soulmere as its base. So the Soulmere that is shown on the character can actually dip to even 300 pts. lower than is shown. This can be used into a fight, but the points used from this 300 will never come back. If I used 10 pts. of Soulmere from my base 300 today and I lived for 1000 years. In 860 years, I will still have only 290 Soulmere to the day that I die. Thus, shield Soulmere as if you immortal soul depends on it. As it truly does.
If a player uses their Soulmere down to 0, the next day, the Soulmere will replenish from the Soul. However, if they use part of the base 300 out of the direct Soul, then the replenished Soulmere will be missing that amount and will not gain it back without being bought by the player. Thus if the Soulmere is 500 today and I used 530 by the end of the day, then tomorrow the Soulmere will be 470. It will be that going forward.
The Shock stat governs how well one deals with their fear, amazement, etc. Shock comes into play when someone is intimidation, scared, etc. and can be used to shunt their body out of that phase. However, it can work against them leaving them shocked if they are not careful.
In the case of Intimidation, the victim can use their Shock die to try and get out of the intimidation but if they fail they will be fatigued for X rounds where X is 10/the points they lost by. So if the player has 15 and the opposer had 30, then they are fatigued for 1 round (Round down). If the user wins the throw, then they are instantly back in the game and Intimidation is worn off.
In the case of fear, a character, NPC, etc. that is feared will have to roll a save. If they fail the save, then they will go into shock. If this happens, it is Shock vs. Fear. The shock of the victim vs. the Fear of the attacker. If the attacker wins, then the victim will go into shock and be fatigued for X rounds where X is 10/the points they lost by. So if the player has 15 and the opposer had 30, then they are fatigued for 1 round (Round down). If the user wins the throw, then they are instantly back in the game and Fear is worn off. However, Fear can be reused every 5 rounds.
Note: If a victim uses Shock to overcome Fear, they can not use Fear against this player again. However, if they use Fear first, then they can still use Shock to get out of the attacks.
Specialty Training
When this training is involved the weapon, item, machine, etc. is of a very particular type of learning that is specialized and hard to come across. Certain whips that can deal damage nearly as badly as a regular sword are in this category. (Most Koltu abilities use this type of training.)
If a character is on the field that is using many weapons that use a lot of this type of training, get ready for a heck of a fight.
The basic life blood of all actions, everyone and everything uses Stamina to continue a fight. The Stamina stat dictates how much a player, NPC, creature, etc. can do in a fight, through the day, etc. Every round the player regains 3 Stamina. However, if they are in a fight, walking, etc. they will expend 1 Stamina per round. Thus unless they sit still for the entire time, they are only gaining 2 per round.
Stamina can only “heal” back to the Stamina of the being using it. So if a player has 25 Stamina, they can’t use something that takes 26 without first Imbuing something into the Stamina to make it work.
If a player drops below 5 Stamina at any given time, they will lose 1 action per round, never to drop below 1 action.
If a player drops to 0 with their Stamina, they are fatigued for a single round to regain the Stamina. If at any point they drop below 0, which is rare, but can happen, they will slip into a coma for X rounds where X is the amount of time it will take to regain back to 5 pts. of Stamina (Remember, 3 Pts. per round unless).
All Abilities will have a Stamina Cost. Those that don’t show one are set a 2 per. All stamina abilities cost the base amount the first time and then are doubled for each subsequent time they are used within the same battle. So if the Stamina is 2, then the next time they use the same Stamina ability, it will cost 4 and the next time 8 and so on.
This stat is how well a person can “steal” things from others without being noticed. This is not so much how well they keep from being seen, as that is stealth, but how well they are practiced at taking things while being watched. The higher this stat, the easier they can take things while in regular conversation. The art of the steal is one that is used by many different ranks but is most used by the Thief, Magician and Trickster. In most cases this is called “sleight of hand” but is still the same thing.
If a player wants to steal from another player, they will use the Steal vs. Awareness.
The Stealth of a player is how well they can blend into their surroundings. A character with low Stealth will stick out like Safety Orange against a Black back backdrop. One with High Stealth will blend as if they were wearing black against the black backdrop. The higher the Stealth, the closer one can get to an intended victim before being spotted, heard, etc.
Battle: If a player chooses to sneak up on someone, their Stealth vs. the Victim’s Awareness is rolled and the outcome decides if they made it close or if they were spotted before getting to them. This roll will be for every round of movement in a battle. (Beings with Stealth like abilities don’t have to roll for this unless the victim has some ability that heightens their awareness greatly.)
Non-Combat: Stealth is also used when trying to spy on someone and overhear what they are saying. In this case, it is not so much about blending into the environment as it is into the people around the user. This will be Stealth vs. Catch Spy as the Stealth is not to be used for an attack. It will be for every 3 rounds during non-combat game play. (If the user loses the roll, that doesn’t mean they have lost the Stealth, only that the victim is aware they are being watch, or has the feeling of it. A save roll will be thrown by the user and if they win, the victim will ignore the feeling. If they lose, the victim will begin to look around and try to spot the Spy, or may well simply stop their actions and leave.)
This is the Strength of a character, creatures, etc.
For Items, it is the carry weight of the item. If the carry weight of the items exceeds the Strength of the player, then the player is Burdened and can not move at their normal rate. This can lead to damage, so be careful.
The silver button at the top of the stats, just below life, will have a number in it. That number will be the weight of the card.
Supre Malds
A Supre Mald is a being that has reached a level of 100,000 + Souls within their realms. (Stated as realms because usually a single realm will hold up to 50,000 before having to expand, but all realms are different. These beings usually will rule over several realms).
The Supre Mald is not allowed in base reality for fear of destroying anything they touch. These beings can step into reality for short periods, but it is something that is not only frowned upon, but often they will incur the wrath of the Kala, a thing that no Higher Beings wishes upon each other, much less themselves. (See Kala).
Thus most of the Supre Malds will use Avatars, Titans, Golems, Dothniacs, Servants or Priests to do their bidding. If they can establish a big enough religion in base reality, they can have their servants do their bidding without having to expend much power. If not, then they must expend the power to create one of the other beings to do their bidding. (See Golems, Priests, Titans, Avatars, Dothniacs.)
The Supre Mald can destroy and create matter at will, though it still uses Soulmere to achieve. The Metophic Energy that they absorb, however, is much more potent than that of the Mald and as such they can make it work much more deeply than the Mald. (In the case of the two, if a Supre Mald and a Mald chanted the exact same Fire Ball, using the exact same spell, the Mald would fire it off with the equivalent of a 3d100, while the Supre Mald, would fire it off with the equivalent of a 6d100. Even though it cost the same, is the same, and the same amount of energy is put within the spell.)
Supre Malds have elaborate viewing ports within their realms to watch over the reality they are tied to. These viewing ports often are able to see most of everything within reality, where they have influence. They are always blind in one area or another. The ports are not for the Supre Mald to watch like a a TV, but filter information directly into the Supre Malds essence thus granting them all the information as it plays out, without them having to watch every minute. Thus, they become very powerful, very fast, if they only allow the information to shape their wisdom. Most, however, will not do this, for getting to the point of a Supre Mald take great ambition and usually grand narcissism. Thus they believe that they have learned all they need to learn and will skip over half the information, leavening themselves vulnerable many times.
Entering the Realm of a Supre Mald can be forced or voluntary. However, if the Supre Mald forces someone within the realm, meaning they teleport them there, or snatch them and forcibly pull them there, then the Supre Mald can not truly harm that being. They can hurt them while they are within the realm, but they can only hold that being there for 24 hours before they are shunted back to reality, at which time they will be as whole as they had been when they entered.
If a being willingly walks into the realm, however, and knows that is where they are walking, then they are subject to the Supre Malds abilities completely as though they were in reality. (A being tricked into the place will not be subject due to a loop whole that the Kala placed into the rules many centuries ago. A tricked being can choose to leave a realm at any time and will be forced back into reality.)
A Supre Mald is a being that has reached a level of 100,000,000,000 + Souls within their realities. (A realm and a reality are very different. (See Realm, Reality).
A Suprema, as bound by the Kala, can not directly effect anything in their realities once the reality is created. After the creation, they have a certain time limit of which they can manipulate anything, place anything, create, destroy, etc. without coming under these rules, but once the time limit is reached, they can no longer directly effect the overall outcomes of the reality. (See Kala).
They can, however, adjust things through their minions, priests, gods, etc. Most will have a Titan on the probe, but they are limited in the amount of power they can use and can only effect things directly in front of them rather than on a global scale, or they may well breach the contract. (See Titans.)
The Suprema has a constant flow of Soulmere coming from each of their Gods, Malds, Supre Malds, Priests, Minions, etc. Because of this they have near infinite energy and power with which to do whatever they choose. Often, these beings will manipulate a situation to their own gains, but they know that they can only do so on a small scale and as such they often will do this with many different beings at once to try and sway their effects without directly do anything. In the end, the mortals have freedom of will and do not have to follow these subtle sways, but often not following will frustrate the Suprema and lead to severe consequences for the mortals.
There are very few Suprema and they choose to keep themselves away from other Suprema for the most part unless they are actually in the reality because disputes on the planet or in a solar system while in the form of a Titan may well result in the destruction of the planet or even solar system, but that same dispute between actual Suprema in the reality may well result in the utter destruction of the entire reality.
Suprema do not exist within the realities that they have created, but usually will create a realm of their own that is part of, or connected in some way to the different realities that they govern over. Due to this, getting their attention is often very hard for mortals, Gods and even up to Supre Malds. Once their attention is gained, however, they often have a laser focus. You have been warned.
The Suprema’s realm will consist of a great deal of their own power, making them much more powerful within their homes than in the base reality. because they usually will govern over up to five different realities at once, the Suprema are so powerful as to be able to create and destroy anything within any of the realities at will, but if they are within these realities at the time, they will use massive amounts of Soulmere, whereas, if they make the manipulations within their own home, they will use very little. Thus most stay within their own homes and use Titans for all of their daily needs.
It is not uncommon for up to six different Suprema to rule over a single reality as they often find it boring to be the only one in the reality. (Think of it like they are playing video games with each other and trying to thwart the other’s will for the enjoyment of it. We are the NPC’s).
Super Suprema
In all of existence there are only Six known Super Suprema. These beings are said to have started everything. They created the first realm, though it was a bit pitiful, and from that realm they began to work on a machine that would help the in chores of creation. That machine is known as Indexia. The machine is so powerful that it is said to match the equal powers of three Super Suprema. That machine not only aided in the creation of much of the known cosmos and multiverse, it aided in the creation of the Hotel that exists in every plain of existence. Through this hotel, known only as the Bonsi Showman, anyone can move to anywhere in any time, place, realm, plain, etc. Though it is very costly. (See Bonsi Showman)
Super Suprema have not been known to die through out all of existence, though one was once put into a comma, they healed from it over time and are back to normal now. They can expend all of their energies at a single blast and then have the exact same amount of energy for the next blast without waiting between for stamina, etc. It is not known where their energies come from, or from where they were created. It is known that the First Super Suprema, woke and then was within seconds and has always been since that time. There was no growth process or lag time from waking to being. He simply woke and was as he is now. Though he has grown greatly since that age, it is through navigating the strange worlds that have been created using his Avatars and Titans. He is the most often found Super Suprema in all existence and probably the most compatible with humans in the long run.
The others came to be over the next few moments, though it is not known if by moments the first is referring to years, decades, seconds or eons, for he always explains it as moments and has little grasp of time.
Each of the Super Suprema have something they are “better” at than the others.
The first is the most powerful when it comes to brute strength and overall defense. He also has Omnipresence, allowing him to be anywhere or everywhere at once.
The second, a being of such power that it hides itself away from all of reality since its very being can destroy anything it gets near. This is the only one of all the siblings that has a different type of energy than Metophic. This energy is not used as it is extremely unstable, more so than Metophic, and as such actually feeds on all forms of Metophic Energy when it is near.
Another sibling has the control of Pure Omniscience within the realities they have created, or have entered. (This does not pertain to future events, only things that have happened and are happening.)
Another has Omniprediction. The ability to see anything that can ever, or will ever happen within all realities.
One has the ability of Omniemotion. The ability to feel anything and everything in the reality, or to adjust the feelings of anything within the reality. (This ability is so powerful that it can actually make other Super Suprema adjust their moods ever so slightly, though often it will result in a fight for using their abilities on one another.)
Nothing is known of the abilities of the last one but it is known that they are as formidable as their siblings. It is also known that this one, whom rules over the realm of the abyss by choice, secludes itself from the rest of realities as much as possible. Choosing to stay within the abyss as much as possible.
It is not known if a Suprema can find their way into becoming a Super Suprema as it has never been done. At least, not yet.
Suspend and Suspend Ball
Suspend, denoted by the black ball at the bottom of the card on the right side, shows how many actions something has or consumes, depending on the item.
Suspend on a character, creature, etc. is how many Actions that character, creatures, etc. can take during each Response. (When a creatures, minion, etc. is brought in, use the Suspend to tell how long it takes them to get onto the field.) The creature, minion, etc., after getting to the field, now uses the suspend to tell how many actions they can take in a single Response. Once they have reached the end of their actions, they can no longer do anything. (Think of this like their speed per Response.)
No one can attack or defend without an action open. No one can attack on someone else turn without an ability or talent to override this, such as Immediates (See Immediates.).
Suspend on an item, spell, etc. is how long it takes (how many Actions it consumes) to cast the spell, buy the item, etc. This will come into effect during a fight where when someone chooses to bring in a weapon, item, etc. they will pay for the item, weapon, etc. takes 1 action. Then the player must wait the suspend before they can use the weapon, item, etc.
Spells that have a 4 or greater on Suspend then the player must continue casting the spell until all the actions are filled to bring in the spell. If their concentration is broken before they finish the spell, then the spell is not cast (See Concentration.).
Note: Every Response all actions renew. The actions are for attacking or defending. If a player chooses, they may use those actions for something else, such as healing, etc. Since the actions renew each Response, this allows a healer to heal on both their Response and their opponent’s Response. But, if they are attacked directly and have already used their Actions, they can not defend.
Note 2: Remember that each Response renews all Actions and the player can use actions on the other players Response to finish a spell, buy the item, etc. This can be incredibly helpful or harmful to the caster, buyer, etc. Also, no attacks can be made on the opponents Response, only on the player’s Response, so if the spell comes into effect, it will not cast until the players Response if it is an attack of any sort, unless there is something on the card avoiding this rule. Thus, the spell will finish on the opponents Response, minus one action, but will not materialize until the first action of the player’s Response. This will consume 1 action from the new Response.
When attacking the attacker may choose to use Target, in which they simply state whom they are going to attack and the opponent has to defend with that person, item, etc. Target attacks will avoid everything else on the field that is not taking up more than one space. (If something like a wall, or cloud are on the field, then this will negate Target. Otherwise this can be a very deadly attack.) This can not be used anything but projectile attacks. A swing attack can not be targeted in this way.
The Trap is used when setting any type of trap in the game. Rather this be setting a bear trap in front of a door, or setting a simple trip line between two trees. The effectiveness of the trap will be the player’s Trap plus Stealth when placing the trap. The victim’s Awareness or Disc. Die plus Det. Trap will be used to see if they can spot or uncover the trap before tripping it. (Note: Det. Trap will only be used if the victim chooses to use it. Most will come across a trap and spring it before they even think of traps being in the area.)
The strength of the trap is augmented by the user’s Trap. So if a bear trap is laid that deals 50 points of attack damage by itself. The user’s Trap is 15, then the bear trap is now 65 points of attack damage. Other stats can be added in by those that know how to truly set traps, but those are abilities that will be bought through proficiencies (See Proficiencies.)
1. Trap + Stealth for setting the trap.
2. Trap + Attack of trap = New Trap Attack.
This is the most common training and most of the training that will ever be use. This indicates that a person will need X hours of use before being able to use the weapon, item, etc. without having adverse effects, or without being able to understand its uses.
Nearly everything will have one of these on it for casting, using, etc.
Training Pts.
Used in the RPG Mode of game play, the Training Pts. are what are used to buy the different abilities, skills, etc. for the character to grow in their own power. The more Training a player has, the more powerful they can become.
Training Pts. are gained through many different game play types and can be used to buy other things from other player as long as their is a witness and the two parties agree.
When a player gains these points outside of their character, those points can be placed on any character. If they gain these points due to their character, then the points can only be used on that character. (I.E. if a player gains points through something done in a trade, then they can use the Training on anything. If the player gains the points through game play with this character, then the points can only be spent on this character.)
The Understand Stat is how well someone can understand the world around them. This is both IQ and Intelligence rolled into one. A character with a low Understand may grasp the situation they are in, but can not see a way out of it due to their lack of understanding how things work. Where as a character that has a high Understand will be able to grasp the situation and also see multiple ways out of it.
When casting spells, learning new things, navigating, etc. the Understand will come into play. To try and learn something new, the Understand will work like a save roll. In this the Understand Stat will be divided by 10 and the Will will be divided by 100. The two of them will be added together and the outcome will be the adjustment for a save roll. The save roll is thrown and the points added at 1 pt. for every 5pts. add 1 pts. to the die. Must have 2 pts. higher than the opposing die to gain the Understand.
I.E. If a player has 50 on Understand and 400 on will, then we take 5 and 4 and add them together to make 9 pts. Thus we add 1 pts. to the save roll (Rounding Down). Then we take and throw 1d6 vs. 1d6 and the player calls a color (Make certain both dice are different colors). If the player gets a 4, then they actually get a 5 due to the extra point. If the player wins by more than 1 pts. over the other die, then they can understand the thing they are trying to learn. If they lose, then they simply can not comprehend the thing they are trying to learn.
Note: Technology works in this same way. A player that wants to raise their Technology can try and do so through Understand rather than just buying the stat. To do this, do the same save roll as above, but the each Tech number will get a 200 pts. of Bonus on it. Thus Tech 1 is 200, Tech 2 is 400, Tech 3 is 600 and so on. So if a player is trying to go from Tech 2 to Tech 3, then the two dice are thrown as before, but the opposing die will get a bonus of 1 since 600/100 is 6. If the Tech is 4 going to 5 then the Tech will gain a bonus of 2 since 1000/100 would be 10. Thus the higher the scale, the more to overcome to Understand the technology. (Also, it costs 3,000 Training for each attempt).
The Undying are players, creatures, etc. that can not be killed by conventional means. Like the Vampire, this person will be very hard to keep killed. Vampires are Immortal in that they can not die due to time or disease, but they can be killed in many other ways. (See Immortal, See Vampire)
A Master Vampire, however, is gifted with Undying, meaning there is a narrow amount of things that can actually harm it, much less kill it. (See Master Vampire.)
In the case of the Master Vampire, and that of the Master Lycan, these creatures can only be defeated by a narrow amount of ways and those ways have to be followed completely to truly destroy them or they will regenerate, recurrent, or some other means by which to return to the mortal lands.
Each Undying will have their own set of rules that they will follow, which will be explained with the legends of the characters. Those that have been killed in the past will have a legend that tells as such and only that way can they be truly defeated.
Be aware, Undying creatures, players, etc. can not be healed through natural means either. They must be healed by their own magic, abilities, etc. A healer will be less than useless to them unless that healer is using their particular skills, abilities, etc. to heal the Undying.
Value at Start or Starting Value
This is the Value that the character has on their Character Card. The Values that are on the card will allow the player to buy things at the beginning of the game and will deplet completely as they are used. (Meaning that once the Brik on the card are used up, they do not replinish like the Brik Mines. This will be on the top right side of the Character Card where the costs of most cards would be. (See Character Card.)
Value Card
These cards, such as Brik Mines, Pools of Magic, Training, etc. are setup to help the player pay for the different items in the game. If at any point the player has none of these, then they can use their Starting Values, which are on their cards. (See Starting Values.)
Value Cards can be placed once per round. There can be many different types of Value Cards placed without issue, but the player can not place more than one of each type of Value card on the field. (This means, only one Brik Mine, regardless of the types, one Pool of Magic, regardless of the type, etc.) Only if this is override by an ability can it be avoided.
Witch Doctor
The Witch Doctor is often considered a Witch, but they are far from it. The Witch sells their soul to gain extra abilities, powers, etc. The Witch Doctor sells other’s souls for the same abilities, but they don’t break down due to their use of such powers and abilities. The Witch Doctor can live for many years beyond their regular race, often reaching hundreds but still looking the same from the day they began their quest to be the Witch Doctor. This is due to the fact that they use other’s souls to keep themselves from aging.
The Witch Doctor is able to unlock abilities that even the Witch is unable to due to their ability to use the powers and abilities without actually harming themselves. Due to this Witch Doctors, as long as they are doing no direct harm, are often left alone and often revered for their station. It is common for a Witch Doctor to service five to ten cities, helping those that come to them with pains, aches or curses. The Witch Doctor will request a small prayer be made to this or that deity, which is when they will acquire a small portion of the Soulmere that is prayed. This practice is the most common.
The Evil Witch Doctor, however, will deal in curses, shrunken heads of enemies, voodoo dolls, etc. These are hunted by Witch Hunters and the like, but it is rare to kill one outright that does not piss off a deity directly. Usually the Witch Doctor will slip through, overpower, or simply confuse any trap that they are being drawn into and most that are overcome by a Witch Doctor fear meeting them head to head again. Even Vampire will avoid the Witch Doctor.
Note: It is said that Death Stalker was once a Witch Doctor and sold his soul to live forever. Now he wanders the night in search of more Soulmere to keep himself young. But that may well just be legend.
The Weight of the player, items, etc. Will be decided before game play begins. In the card game, the grey circle above will show the weight of the card it is on. To lift this card, the player, NPC, etc. will have to have more strength of their own than that of the card. In the case of NPC’s their strength is the same as this number (See Strength).
If a player wants to raise or lower their weight, they must go to a Gaervol and pay 1000 Training per pound of gain or loss (See Gaervol)
Will Points and Will
The Will stat of the character and the points that coincide with it, are the ability of the character to overcome the shocks, fears, trials, etc. that they go through to make it through life. A strong will can actually help a player make it through something that would normally have defeated them. The Will of the character can be used for many things starting with survival. The Will Pts. of the character can be pumped into their life points for a single round to extend their life. The will can be pumped into a single attack to make that attack twice stronger than it was, or even more if the player decides to use the will for it.
To pump Will into another stat for a single round, use the Imbue Stat. The character can not exceed the amount of Points that Imbue will allow per round, but can use the amount every round. So if the player r is trying to punch something and needs to focus their will to be able to punch through the item they are attacking, they use their Will Pts. and pump them into the Imbue, which in turn can be pumped directly into the attack of the player to make them deal a single attack much stronger. However, it only last 1 round and rather hit or miss, the Will Pts. are lost.
Will, much like Soulmere, can be used for any stat through Imbue, save for Luck and Imbue. Both of these have to be bought to raise. Once used, the Will Pts. are lost and can’t be regained until the player sleeps for an entire 8 hours. Anything less than this and only portions of the Will are recovered. (12.5% is recovered per hour).
Be Aware that if a character drops to or below 5 Will Pts., they will suffer dire circumstances in that they will be fatigued every other round, and can’t use anything that requires concentration. If they drop to or below 0, then they will fall into a coma and must wait 10 rounds to get back to 5 on their Will Pts. Be very aware of your Will Pts.
Note: There are creatures that attack the Will directly and these creatures can do a great deal of damage before even being noticed. Many will never notice and will simply drift into a comma and then on to the after life.
Note 2: Will can also be useful in dealing with Shock, Fear, in that it not only can be imbued into them, but it will double the amount of these when a character goes into Rage. Any character with Rage abilities can actually alter their state to Rage when Shock or Fear sets in and they will break free of either, but then they have to deal with the Rage. Be careful, however, as the opponents can do the same thing.