Gold Magic

Gold Magic

Due to the early failure with Purple magic, the First Suprema wanted nothing more than to find a magic that would truly sustain life in a humanoid body. This was due to the fact that Purple magic, though it would bring life, would most often than not also destroy it within a few minutes, hours or days. Metophic energy could bring life, but could not be housed within a humanoid shell, or any shell for that matter, and as such would eat through every design that the First tried to create for it. As such, he needed to dilute the Metophic energy enough to keep it from destroying the shell, but leave enough of its raw power to keep the shell powered. It was a balancing act that he wasn’t truly equipped to simply throw together.

It took him nearly eight hundred years to finally find the right combination and during this time, many beings were created and discarded into the abyss as failure after failure kept him more and more annoyed. Finally, he mixed two energies with another compound and created a magic that would help sustain life, and even create it where there was none. It had it’s drawbacks, but for the most part it worked. He named this magic Gold Magic and created a large sum of it. Since he wasn’t fond of working alone, he gave the magic a sentience, much like that of Purple, so that it could help him as he worked.

It was shortly after this move that he realized he had made a mistake, for the First Suprema could grant sentience to anything, but it was much harder to take it away and Gold magic was not up to the challenge of creation. Though it manipulated Metophic energy much better than that of Purple and could gage what amount of energy each being created would need to continue its life cycle, Gold magic turned out hating order. He wanted nothing but Chaos and the chance to create things in his own image. A chance that the First was not going to be granting any time soon. As such, many of the failure that resulting with Gold magic were not truly failures, simply the magic choosing not to adjust things properly. The First grew impatient with this annoyance and threatened to throw the magic out with the Purple into the abyss. Not wanting this, the two of them began working much better together. (Though Gold still holds a grudge of those early years.)

Gold magic was the driving force that created the first plants, animals, etc. Though the first was the actual creator of them, they were brought to life with the breath of Gold. Then the First decided to create the first truly humanoid being, since the other items had started to work out so well. Thus, the Genosphey were created. (See Genosphey)

After that debacle, the First began relying more on another magic that he had created to help with the creation of life. This mage was called White, and it was sentient as well, but only to a degree. Gold was pissed and decided to mess up anything the First tried to use him on. (This did not bold well for Gold at all.)

A few mistakes later and Gold was out of the shop and going toward the abyss, when it came across a small pocket realm that had been created when the Genosphey had split. Gold resided there for much of the rest of creation and has only recently emerged to be part of the rest of the cosmos.

Gold magic users can use the magic for virtually anything, though if they want the help of the full sentience of the magic, then they can not sustain life. They must destroy anything that they can come across. Gold magic hates this creation and wants nothing more than to destroy it. As such, Gold will help anyone that wants to destroy things and shun anyone that is trying to use the magic to heal. (Gold will not allow its users to resurrect anything.)

A Gold magic user is usually very good a granting others great amounts of power, energy, etc. Boosts are what Gold lives for. Destruction magic is welcomed with open arms and as such Gold can be used on any truly destructive spell that is Blue, Red, Brown, or Yellow. Gold will not work with any other colors directly and will give a massive backlash to anyone that tries. This backlash will come in the form of removing 25% of the user’s life with every spell cast using any colors other than this one and Gold. So far, in all of creation, there have only been 4 mortals that could use Gold with a color off this scale. Two of them died, one of them lost his senses and the other one is now undead. (So be careful)

Gold hates White magic of any sort and any Gold spell that is cast around a White magic users, will devote 10% of its damage to the White caster. If anyone that has White magic tries to also use Gold, the damage will be 200% direct and the spell will not harm anyone else in the area. Gold, truly hates, White magic.