The Redeemer is a wondering cleric that tries to help people as best they can. Most Redeemers will also have some learning of one of the Religious abilities, but it is rare that they will actually master them.
The Redeemer is incredibly powerful in their own right, but do not get into the affairs of mortals when it comes to fighting, kings, politics, etc. They believe (at least 99 percent of them) that they are on a mission from one Mald or another, to defend the probe from Demons and Demon-Gods. This will include Supernatural beings to an extent, but they don’t usually seek them out directly. Should they come across Supernatural beings, though, they will try to destroy them as a service to their Mald. (In most cases, they don’t actually serve one Mald or another, it is in their heads. In the few cases where they do serve a give Mald or Supre Mald, they will be given special abilities from that higher being. Be wary of that type of Redeemer for their powers will be amazing.)
A Redeemer will posses the ability to resurrect those that have died within 48 hrs. of their death. They will ask for payment for this will deplete them of a great deal of their manna for the day. Also, they will often ask what type of person the deceased was before performing the resurrection due to their mission. If they deem the person “unfit” for the mortal realms, they will not revive them.
Redeemers have the ability to exorcise certain types of demons and will do so if it is in their ability. They will go completely off of a mission to help a single person suffering from a possession, regardless of the risks. This is their mission, to rid the probe of evil. (This happens so often that Redeemers will not be hired as mercenaries, bounty hunters or the like. Also, they usually will not be welcomed into parties due to their flagrant disregard for the mission at hand.)
Redeemers main ability, however, is the unlocking of souls. Those that have been trapped on the probe without enough Metophic Energy to be sent to where ever they belong. Those that have been trapped within items, weapons, etc. The Redeemers main goal is to release these souls to where they need to go. This will take precedence over even their own lives. (Three Redeemers once took on a God that had used its ability to trap souls within weapons to make the weapons more powerful. The three were going to die, and they knew it, but they fought until the finally defeated the God and sent him into an underworld. They then released all of the souls from all of the weapons as they breathed their last breathes. The issue with this, however, was that the souls that were trapped were evil and the weapons were being used for good. The God was a gracious and caring god, but the Redeemers couldn’t see anything other than the trapping of souls and acted.)
The reason the Redeemer is so feared throughout the land, other than the strange fixation they have, is the fact that they can manipulate, store and release Metophic Energies to varying degrees. Their control over it can’t be used to create, but it can be used to destroy. Their manipulation of it is very limited, but they can mass enough of it to deal great devastation. One of the three that fought the God, in the earlier paragraph, was one of the most powerful of all the Redeemers of all time. She fired a single shot at the God and destroyed a mountain range. The blast nearly killed her as Metophic Energy has a large backlash. (See Metophic Energy)
Note: Redeemers can’t be the target of Energy attacks. They can take damage from energy, they simply can not be the target of the attack. Area attacks and bouncing attacks are fine, but targeting attacks simply will no work on them.
Note 2: Due to their nature, most, if not all, Demon-Gods hate Redeemers and will send their minions out to destroy them at any cost.
Note 3: Many Gods, Malds, and Supre Malds, grow annoyed with the Redeemers release of their souls and will grow weary enough to send a God-Slayer after the Redeemers. It take a real zealot to become a Redeemer, but that zealot will become very powerful.
Note 4: Summoning around a Redeemer becomes three times as hard. If someone wishes to summon a creature that costs 4 manna and 3 training, it now costs 8 manna and 6 training. This is due to the way they control and manipulate Metophic Energy. (This is only for a Full Redeemer and not the lower classes.)