
Picture of the Race

Summary of Race

Psymithians are a very proud race that spend most of their time in the expansion of their minds. Reading is more than just a past-time and most Psymithians are considered genius level intellect. They have other issues, however, which keep them from simply taking over the probe. Their biggest issue is that they are 

Ranks Most Common


Racial Traits

Psyonic Force Wall : An ability only a few beings posses, but the Psymithians are born with it. This “wall” is pure psyonic ability drawn from the will of the user. When used, it will drain will at 1/2 of damage inflicted for every attack. So if the wall is up and the user is attacked by any physical, energy, or mental abilities, it will take 1/2 the damage and subtract that from the will of the person using the wall. It will defend against magic as well, but at normal defense, so 20 pts. of magic damage is 20 pts. of will reduced.

Psyonic Learning Stage: This allows the user to alter their mental state to learn things at an alarming rate. This only works with perfect meditation and takes 6 rounds per 100 pages. However, the learning is 92% of the text, meaning the user will learn most of the text to complete recollection. This will drain 1 pt. of Will per page of the learning and will leave the user fatigued for 2 rounds. Once used on a particular text, the user will no longer need the book to cast spells, use references, etc. (This Will is only recoverable through 8 hours of continuous sleep).

Psyonic Filter Blast: A rare ability that allows the user to fire a full blast of pure Will at an opponent. This will drain Will equal to the Will used in the attack and that Will is only recoverable from an 8 hrs. of continuous sleep. (When attacking with this style of attack, the user adds their Mental attack with the Will pts. of choice and fires the attack through one of their limbs. The attack will be purely mental.)

Racial Disadvantages

Magic Bane 2

Racial Advantages

Mental Barrier 4
Mind Probe 2
Mental Stability 4

Physical Description


Heights: 5’9″           Weight: 185lbs.

Skin Color: Red, Blue, Grey, White

Eye Color : Blue, Green, Brown, Red

Hair Color : Black Brown, Blonde, White, Green

Physical Description


Heights: 5’2″           Weight: 95lbs.

Skin Color: Red, Blue, Grey, White

Eye Color : Blue, Green, Brown, Red

Hair Color : Black Brown, Blonde, White, Green

Social Structure

Psymithians believe that a strong central government is the only way to run a government and as such will do anything for their government and often believe that their political party would never lie to them. Thus the overall government is nearly worshipped as a god-like entity. Made up of fifty seven “elected” officials, who all have life terms, the government is broken into equal parts for each of them to run. The only thing more powerful than the Durgonails, or ruling party, is the one head known as the Thumor Durgon, or Head of the Ruler. 

The Durgonails make the rules and enforce them as they see fit. The Thumor Durgon may overrule them at any time to free someone from bondage, or to remove a law that the Durgonails try to pass. The Thumor Durgon, however, has only so many vetoes per lunar cycle and once they are done, the Durgonails can do virtually whatever they choose. Rarely is this an issue, but it has been the source of a few problems in the past. 

During the  time of the Great Cataclysm, the Psymithians split due to religious and societal differences. Almost half of the society were fine with slavery and keeping societal stations (or keeping people that were born noble as noble from birth to death and those that were born peasant as peasant from birth to death, no matter what any of them did.) Thus the society split and the Comminians were formed. (See Comminians). There was some religious aspect to this as well, but for the most part it was an ideological issue rather than a religious one. The split caused a civil war that would ensure the two factions could never again see eye to eye.


Psymithians love technology and will use whatever they can find to make their lives easier. They don’t use it for military means as much simply because they don’t like fighting as a people and rarely join any type of war or conflict, choosing instead to send waves of diplomats to fix the issue rather than fight over it. That is not to say that they will not use weaponary to fight, but that they will use it only as a last resort.

As for technologies to advance their own society, they use everything from the electric light, to ships that can explore the deepest depths of the seas on probe one. There was once a push to try and explore the space around Probe one, but they quickly found that the atmosphere that houses the planet is virtually impossible for mortals to travel through without significant cost and the idea was abandoned.


Ralus, the Supre Mald of War is the Supre Mald most prayed to by all Psymithians and Comminians alike. However, the Psymithians believe that praying to him will keep them out of war and that Ralus’ “survival of the fittest” means the survival of the smartest on the field. In this way, they differ greatly from their Comminian counterparts. 

There are many ceremonial attributes that come along with serving Ralus and both societies will follow them to the letter, however, each are slightly different from the different points of view and thus their ceremonies are quite different, even when called the same things, or practiced on the same days. For instance: The ceremony of Bachyodun is an entire week of worship and giving thanks to Ralus. During this time, the Psymithians give thanks by sacrificing a number of peasants that are considered dangerous to the society and thus cleanse their society of crime. The Comminians will sacrifice a beast to Ralus in exchange for a good war and a good harvest during the times of the Bachyodun. Almost all of their religious ceremonies are strangely separate from one another in this way.

Base Persona

Psymithians have no base persona and can be of any persona. 

Interesting Racial Things

Psymithians, though they hate their counter part Comminians, also admire them for their ability to be open and honest. Psymithians live a life of secrecy and always hiding their true emotions to ensure that they show only the emotions that the state would agree upon. Only believe what the government would want them to. It is a deep seeded group think that is so powerful they will actually give up their own families to suite the government.

The large horns on their heads are a tribute to their power. The more horns, the more powerful. There are said to be those that have elongated heads which have power to control nearly all mental abilities, but they are rare and usually disappear shortly after birth. Some say that the Psymithians government takes them for study and others believe that the gods take them so there is no direct opponent to their rule. Most Psymithians will adorn their horns to make them look bigger than they truly are to project power.