
Picture of the Race

Summary of Race

Considered the greatest architects on the probe. However, they are also the most addicted on the probe. Due to their nature, the Olars are constantly trying to find a “higher-plane” to reveal things to them and as such are always looking for anything that will “alter their reality”. Any drugs they can find they will take and after a time become more and more immune to them, causing them to take even more.

Other than this, they are a very powerful race when it comes to government, astrology, science, the magics, etc. They are very deep thinkers and very intelligent, when they are not baked. Due to their natural defenses, most poisons deal very low to no damage to them and many energies have low to no effect on their bodies.

Though they are peace loving, they have no issues with marching into a fight when they deem it necessary and often will jump in to help a friend, even if they know it will cost them in the long run.

Ranks Most Common


Racial Traits

Examine Eye: User can tell if something is straight or if it varies in the slightest. They can judge distance and measurements by simply seeing them. (+15 Aware, + 5 Trap Sight, +5 Catch Spy).

 Artistic Eye: User can distinguish color, texture, substance of virtually anything they see. They can distinguish between subtle changes in color, hues, etc. (+5 Aware, +5 Catch Spy, +5 Trap Sight, +2 Imbue).

Racial Disadvantages


Racial Advantages

Substance Resist 4
Poison Resist 4
Strength Doubler 2
Stamina Doubler 2

Physical Description


Heights: 8’4″           Weight: 320lbs.

Skin Color: Red, Reddish-Grey, Black

Eye Color : Blue, Green, Brown

Hair Color : Red, Black, Silver

Physical Description


Heights: 7’2″           Weight: 250lbs.

Skin Color: Red, Reddish-Grey, Black

Eye Color : Blue, Green, Brown

Hair Color : Red, Black, Silver

Social Structure

A strong central government that is smart and well read keeps the whole of Olarian society on top. The government extremely strong and is ruled over by a Consolier. The Consolier is an elected head of state that has complete rule over the government directly, but that is able to be over ruled by the Dushnibor, or council of elders, which presides over the making of laws. The Consolier is a life-time seating, while the Dushnibor are all elected once every decade. There are Twenty of the Duhnibor and each is elected from the different counties of the cities of Mushram and Semire. 

Mushram is the capital of the Olarian Society and is very powerful over the entire probe due to their exports in raw materials. The Olar know exactly what to mine for and how to mix the different materials to ensure a near perfect mix for concrete, brick, etc. Due to this they can nearly choose their own prices for building materials as their materials are so much better than those of any other race. Mushram, being on Shenor, pays a yearly stipend to Propell, the capital of Shenor. This has always been a lucrative venture and to date has never caused issues with either race.

Semire is a city of artisans who are very good at their craft. The sell of art and sculpture is a major export of the city and they are the leading consultants for all art sells throughout the probe. Due to this they can set the prices for all art on the probe and how much can be bought and sold each year on the base market. There are other markets as well, but few will deal in art outside of the the base market unless they are criminals. 

Many small cities crop up across the Shenor continent which are beautiful and cause much tourist attractions. The cities are slow to build, as is always the case with Olarian building, but every building that is completed is a marvel to itself. These cities, though beautiful and well built, are also near fortresses when they are completed. The buildings that surround the outer portions of the city are doubled as protection for the city as they can be linked at night or in the time of war to defend all of the surrounding city. These buildings house lower dredges of society but are so well built that they are capable of holding off an actual God for days. These buildings will also house defenses that can be used in times of war, but these defenses will be well hidden and defended. These types of buildings are built throughout the city to slow or even stop the movement of an invading army. 


Olars use technology for creation, building, etc. They don’t use it so much in the way of weaponry, but will when needed. They are inventors and very good with it, but usually only in the use of creating things.


Olars have many gods, but don’t actively worship any as a state religion. They may choose to personally worship one or another god, but the Government is their true god. This means that they put a hundred percent faith in their government and believe that it is the answer to most, if not all of their needs.

Base Persona

Base Persona is Fair. (8).

Nearly all Olars believe that laws should rule everything and everyone should be equals under the law. However, they often will make exceptions for those in higher standing of society and those that are in law enforcement or the government. These people can do virtually anything within the society and as long as it doesn’t become common knowledge, the populace won’t pursue it.

Interesting Racial Things

Olars are known for the artisans and crafting, but they are also exceptional in making different potions and concoctions due to the fact that they will use imaginative ways to add to these together and make new types of potions, brews, etc. They are always in a search for the better high and as such often will try to make whatever drug they have more potent.

Olarian government has been corrupt for a number of centuries and often will work against the people to try and gain more status for themselves. This government uses lies and manipulation to keep their people under wraps and it is believed that the drug portion of their society isn’t actually in their DNA, but is adapted to the society to keep them under control. Older documents that were of the Olarian people before a few centuries back are prohibited to circulate save for in the government itself.