Occulus are a strange race in that they can manipulate their own DNA to mutate into anything that they come across. Not that they can become what they come across, but if something is going to kill them but leaves them alive long enough, they can, and will, mutate to survive. They are the ultimate survival and adaptive race. However, they start off a one of the weakest among races with abilities and physical prowess. Due to this, they often are killed before they can mutate or before they even realize their true potential.
The Occulus has the power to overcome virtually any poison, curse, etc. simply by allowing the curse, poison, etc. to enter their body and stay alive long enough. Their bodies will mutate to overcome literally anything, given the time. It is unknown how powerful they could become given the time and enough life.
The Occulus don’t have particular Ranks that they choose and can choose any Rank they come across.
Mutation: The user’s DNA is setup in such a way as to mutate when something would normally kill them, or when a mutation is thrust upon them. (+150 Mutate)
Mega Mutation: The user’s DNA mutates so thoroughly that it is as if they were truly created with the mutation. This is something that very few within creation share and those that due have the potential of mutating into something completely different from what they began as. (+150 Mutate)
Glass Cannon : The user has the ability to use an abnormally large amount of Imbue. The user can imbue any skill, ability, etc. of their choice without having drawbacks. (+150 Imbue, +100 Life).
Infusion Bane
Holy Bane
UnHoly Bane
DNA Manipulation
Heights: 6’2″ Weight: 150lbs.
Skin Color: White, Black, Brown
Eye Color : Green, Blue, Black, Hazel
Hair Color : Black, Red, Blond, Brunette, Silver
Heights: 5’7″ Weight: 110lbs.
Skin Color: White, Black, Brown
Eye Color : Green, Blue, Black, Hazel
Hair Color : Black, Red, Blond, Brunette, Silver
Occulus are so few on the probe that there is little to no society at this point. They live on the fringes of society or they gain employment within the society and keep their heads down. The rarely, if ever, group up due to their problems with many other races wanting to use them for experiments and other such.
They use whatever Technology they can learn and they can learn whatever others will teach them. They don’t, however, have technology that is made directly from their race as there simply isn’t enough of their race to do so.
Occulus are considered a pure creation with no blemishes of any sort. When an Occulus is born, they have no disease, no mutation, nothing, regardless of what the mother or father might have had. They, begin life as if they were perfect, and then mutate as they go through each encounter.