
Picture of the Race

Summary of Race

The Comminian are a race of Telepaths that have amazing abilities with their minds. They rarely use these abilities as they have all but disowned their mental pasts. Because of their split with their ancestors, the Comminian live like barbarians on the outskirts of society. Due to their nature they are untrusting of most races and mostly untrustworthy to anyone.

They use their mental abilities, though most don’t realize it, to pump up their own bodies in fights and in self defense as single shield for short times. They are more reflexive than doing anything at will.

The Psymithians and the Comminians are of the same race, but there was a Civil War that caused two separate factions to emerge at the end. One, the Psymithians, believes that slavery is fine and class status is all that matter. The Comminians chose a free route and as such left their society and now live more like rogues in the outskirts, taking what they need, when they need it.


Ranks Most Common


Racial Traits

Mental Defense: All Comminians are born with amazing Mental Defense. (+20 Mn. Def.)

Mental Attack: All Comminians are born with amazing Mental Attack. (+15 Mn. At.)

Muscle Enhancement : Comminians can double their own strength at any time as a single effect. This will cost 10 Will and 10 Stamina (Doubles with each use on Stamina only) (+25 Strength for 6 rounds).

Speed Enhancement: Comminians can double their speed for 2 rounds by using this ability. It costs 25 Stamina and effects the speed of the character, giving them double their responses for 2 rounds.

Racial Disadvantages

Bad Temper

Racial Advantages

Strength Dobbler
Stamina Dobbler
Reflex Enhancer
Mental Barrier

Physical Description


Heights: 5’8″           Weight: 225lbs.

Skin Color: Red, Blue, Grey, White

Eye Color : Blue, Red, Green, Hazel

Hair Color : Brunet, Black, White

Physical Description


Heights: 5’3″           Weight: 185lbs.

Skin Color: Red, Blue, Grey, White

Eye Color : Blue, Red, Green, Hazel

Hair Color : Brunet, Black, White

Social Structure

The Comminians live nomadic lives with only one city that they call home. The City of Cross Roads, where most of their tribes will settle down in for long stretches of time before moving about again. They live in small bands of fifty to eighty and rarely come together more than this. They will, however, when called to war, come together in the City of Cross Roads to devise their plans and the most powerful among them will choose what they are to do. This has not been done in over eighty five years and as such most don’t believe it will ever happen again, but they all know the secret call that will summon them, should the need arise.

The most powerful, or strongest, will lead the packs and they will live in tribes, moving about here and there. They will not fight other tribes for territory, or for virtually any reason, save for a consolidation. Should one tribe come upon another that has a weaker leader, the leader of the stronger tribe may challenge for control of both tribes. Though rarely done, it does happen. If the stronger wins, then he gains complete control over the other tribe and can choose to bring them into his fold as family, or keep them as slaves. The leader of every tribe has complete control over their tribe and can order any of them to do anything that he chooses. However, he is also responsible for his tribe and will have to take responsibility for anything that the tribe does, even without his knowledge.


Comminians rarely use Technology, opting mostly to use brute force when able and their environment when that is not an option. 

They will, however, use technology that is suited to them, such as weapons and the like, but they will always have to have others train them how to use it.


The Comminions and the Psymithians both serve Ralus, the Supre Mald of War. He dictates that they live as nature would intend with the survival of the fittest. However, both sides of the race choose to interpret that differently. 

The Comminions choose to interpret that as being stronger than your opponent with shear strength and the stronger the leader, the longer they can lead. Due to this, they live their Barbarian lives with ease and have filed off the Tompenclay that was placed upon their people centuries before. (The Tompenclay are the small horns that grow from the heads of both races and augment their connection to Ralus and in turn, their control over mental abilities.)

Base Persona

Comminions, due to their way of life, usually stand in the Unemotional persona. They are very family oriented, but the rest of the world can simply burn for all they care.

Interesting Racial Things

Due to their hereditary ability to use mental abilities, most of the Comminions can speak to one another within their own minds. This is very helpful when they are on the battle field, or when they are vast distances apart. The most common distance is one hundred miles before they can no longer project to one another. 

They can also hear others thoughts, though not as powerfully, if they focus. This is rarely used and only the most powerful among them even attempts its use as it will drain stamina greatly (Costs 50 Stamina per attempt if used on any race other than Comminion or Psymithian. These two races won’t count against Stamina).

The small bumps on their heads are a tribute to their power. The more bumps, the more powerful. There are said to be those that have elongated heads which have power to control nearly all mental abilities, but they are rare and usually disappear shortly after birth. Some say that the Psymithian government takes them for study and others believe that the gods take them so there is no direct opponent to their rule.